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Double D Trailers Don Johnson Trailer Sales CM Trailers
Mr Truck Reviews

New Ford trucks get safer on the road, every model gets safer for trailering. Now they weigh things.

Ford's new F150 scaled ability is remarkable. New truck brands are paying more attention to trailering than ever before. 2021 Ford F150 has three ways to check what your trucks payload weighs. On your phone app, the center touch screen and tail light flashes. New available Onboard Scales measure and display the approximate weight of the payload in the truck. Load information is displayed with a graphics representing the truck, on a mobile phone through the FordPass app or in flashing lights with the truck’s smart taillamps. The Smart Hitch is designed to help customers easily load trailers and be better safe towing. Smart Hitch measures the tongue weight of your trailer. It can also help distribute trailer weight too both the trucks axles. After the trailer is set up in the center touch screen, Smart Hitch calculates its tongue weight and provides guidance for weight distribution or hitch overloading on the screen, on the FordPass™ app or within the smart taillamps. The truck also will indicate if the hitch weight is too high or low and show you how to adjust a weight distributing hitch.

Views: 3821

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