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Mr Truck Reviews

2019 Lakota 4 Horse Trailer | 11' Full LQ, Rear Ramp, Fans, Drops on Both Sides

2019 Lakota 8411 Charger Platinum edition, 11ft Lq, great layout without a slide, couch makes a bed, steps up to the bed, TV, big fridge, rear kitchen, two sinks, microwave, pocket door, octagon shower, wardrobe with drawers, ducted AC, propane furnace, walk through door, hydraulic Jack, power awning with cover, drops on the head and rear, fans, fully lined insulated horse box, rear ramp, fold up rear tack, blanket bar, saddle racks, bridle hooks, brush box, mangers, escape door with step, 8 wide, 76 tall, all aluminum, like new !! Model: 8411 Charger Platinum Edition

Views: 885

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