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Double D Trailers Don Johnson Trailer Sales CM Trailers
Mr Truck Reviews

2000 Silver Star 3 Horse, 6.5' LQ, Cowboy Shower, Super Nice Weekender!

2000 Silver Star 3 Horse, 6.5' LQ, Dinette, AC, Fridge, Sink, Cowboy Shower, Super Nice Weekender! ?????? 2000 silver star silver lite 3 horse Weekender AC with heat strip, radio, dinette makes a small bed, counter space , sink, tons of storage, microwave, Tv, hot water heater, water hook up, walkthrough door, escape door, fully lined insulated horse box, super nice cowboy shower, extra water tank and pump in rear tack, electric jack, fold up wall at rear tack, no rear tack stand nice solid lower divider, all aluminum trailer, super clean, nice starter trailer!! Model: 6903 Stock# 0988 For Additional Pictures & Information including price please use the following link:

Views: 1605

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