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Double D Trailers Don Johnson Trailer Sales CM Trailers
Mr Truck Reviews

2018 Exiss 3 Horse Trailer | 12' LQ, Slide, Dinette, All Aluminum

2018 Exiss 8312 Endevor, slide with dinette, makes a bed, big fridge, rear kitchen, microwave, two burner gas top stove, double stainless sinks, steps to the bed, tv mount, hook up, ducted AC, propane furnace, walk through door, pocket bathroom door, octagon shower, sink and vanity, dual hydraulic jacks, two propane tanks, two batteries, power awning, escape door, flip up step, rear ramp, fold up rear tack, padded dividers, drop down windows with bars, 78 tall, 8 wide, manger storage, nice trailer one owner!

Views: 1072

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