ON THE LOT NOW! 11'x 7' x 7' 3500 # torsion axles w/16" Black Mags aluminun wheels w/ 235/85R16E 10 ply tires Complete Black mag Spare Drop down windows w/ drop down bars on head side Plexiglass and track on rump and rear gate 2- 2-way roof vents over each stall Rubber between post on rump side 4- inside ties 4- Outside ties Rubber on slant wall in horse area 4- interior lights, 2 in horse area and 2 in tack Rubber on wheel wells in horse area 2 "H" Led load lights Tack room w/ slider window in tack door 1 Brush tray on tack door Carpet on bulkhead wall in tack 10 Bridle hooks 2 Saddle racks 2 Blanket bars above saddle racks Trades considered - Financing available - Nationwide delivery available --TRAILER DEPOT OF SHAWNEE
Trailer Depot hours are Monday - Friday 8:30 to 5:00pm. We are closed Saturday unless arrangements are made several days in advance and we are available. We make every effort to describe and price our trailers accurately, but we are human and occasionally make a mistake, so please verify all options and price before purchase. Prices on all trailers do not include tag, title, or tax when applicable *Prices are subject to change due to increasing materials costs.* Check out our current inventory at www.oktrailerdepot.com
Call us for a quote on a new Platinum trailer. We are owner operated, so you save on salesman commissions. We promise to beat any written quote with the same options. Like us on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Trailer-Depot-of-Shawnee-Oklahoma/123...