Horse area - EZ Care floor with 10 yr warranty, Dutch rear doors with rear ramp, 20" x 20" windows in rear doors, Spring loaded aluminum butt/chest bar w/padding, Stall divider with air flo shoulder separator and pads, 48" rubber wall liner, Feed manger on each stall, Drop down feed doors with drop down faceguards on each stall (head), Bus windows (hip), Pop up roof vents, LED lights
Dressing room - Camper style entry door with window and deadbolt, Walk thru door to horse area, Turf on floor, Adjustable saddle rack mounted under each manger, Clothes rod, Halter hooks, Brush box, Blanket tree
Trailer features - 51" dressing room upgrade, 6" extra height upgrade (7'6" tall), Screen door upgrade,
ST2358/80R16 tires mounted on silver aluminum rims with matching spare, Tongue jack, Gravel guard, Two bus windows in nose
Financing Available with rates as low as 6.49 WAC - Delivery Nationwide
Call your sales department at 940-365-9919
After hours 612-381-6782