Upgraded Options: 72" slideout Electric awning Escape door Stud divider Walk thru door Polished nose Dual hydraulic jacks Full Slats Drop down windows on curbside Extra clearance lights Hayrack Step at escape door Flow thru dividers Recessed cook top Ducted a/c
2015 Lakota Trailers Charger C8313Charger is comfortable, capable, class in a customizable package. Charger lets you choose the options that fit your lifestyle. Charger is available in 6' 9" and 8' wide with a vast variety of floor plans to choose from with 7 to 17 foot short walls. Features May Include: R8 spun fiberglass insulation3/4" tongue & groove floorWood grain linoleum floorsSolid hardwood, flat panel cabinet doorsJack knife sofa (varies by product)24" angle shower (6' 9" wide) (Neo 8' wide)Black appliances2 burner range with hood16,000 BTU furnace, 13,500 A/C (15' & up 20,000 BTU furnace, 15,000 A/C)6 gallon gas water heaterFresh water tank, sizes vary by model33 gallon each grey and black water tanksNight shadesWater tank drain valveBath lavatoryValancesMattress & bedspreadWainscotingSconce lightingPuck lighting in ceilingGlass shower doorQueen mattress (8' wide)Warranty It guarantees the aluminum structure for 5 yearsThe living quarters for 2 yearsHitch to bumper materials and workmanship for 1 year.
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