3 Horse Slant PRO SERIES. 6'9" x 7'6" x 18', two slat side extrusion, tandem spring leaf axles, interlocking aluminum floor, escape door w/ drop feed window, fixed slant wall dressing room (Picture shows swing wall, but fixed wall is standard), 30" dress, place for saddle racks if you need to move them from the back, bridle hooks, padded dividers, manual jack, drop feeds on head side, slider on butt side, rear tack with 50/50 rear doors, swing out saddle racks, roof vents, ceiling/upper wall lining/insulation, lower wall lining in horse area, interior/exterior horse ties, interior horse area lights on switch, load light on switch, fans, mats, spare.
Delivery and financing available; we take trades! 901-857-1227.