Boot Box Additional
Comfort Package
Convenience Package
Coller in Boot Box
Pass Through Door
Pre-Wired for A/C
Side Tack
Window 24x 48 Driver
Window, Rear Gate 16 x 22
Want to know more about this unit or our dealership?
Call or Text: (530)241-7848
Check out our website at Towtallycamping.com
Stop by our Anderson Location:
TowTally Camping 4161 Riverside Place Anderson, CA 96007
No Prep Fees No Hidden Fees No Junk Fees No Membership Required
Local Decisions Local Prices Easy Purchase Experience
Disclaimer: Towtally Camping maintains this advertising as accurately as possible, however due to the nature of electronic media, errors may occur. All information, including but not limited to, pricing, product information, specifications, media and dealer promotions are subject to change without notice. Each unit has unique specifications, pictures may not always be actual unit. Towtally Camping will not be held responsible for errors or omissions of information contained in this or any other website, please reach out to our sales team to confirm pricing and specifications before purchase.