2026 4Star 2 Horse Straight Load GN with 5' Tack Room
5' Tack Room that is equipped with 3 Collapsible Saddle Racks, Multiple Bridle Hooks, Blanket Bar, Brush Tray, and a Clothing Bar! The Wall, Gooseneck Floor, and Drop Wall are all Carpeted. The Floor of the Tack Room has Rubber Mats for easier cleaning!!
Padded Removable Center Divider with Wither Shield and Removable Head Shield.
Divider Features 4-Star's ROLLING DIVIDER system, to store the divider flush against the DS Wall, if you want to use the trailer as a Box Stall!
Padding on all Breast/Butt Bars.
1 Feed Bag per Horse.
Rear Ramp with Dutch Doors above.
Access Door on at each horse's head - with Drop Down Windows!!!
Multiple Loading and Interior Lights - ALL LED.
Roof Vents.
15" Aluminum Rims
3500lb Axles
16'L x 6'10"W x 8'T
Winners Circle Trailer Sales and Service