Walls rubber lined (Many tares on curbside fender, wall and bulkhead wall)
Rubber Mats-(Good condition)
3 cargo lights in horse compartment
3 pop up roof vents
Solid Rear tack includes: 3 place swing out saddle rack, 12 hooks, water caddy
Electric Jack
1- 12 volt battery in tray under nose
7 way RV light Plug, 2 5/16” Bulldog Coupler, safety chains, and emergency brake system
6’ Open Hayrack
Damages Noted to trailer: Many small scratches and nicks on exterior and interior from general use. Many tares on rubber on walls in horse compartment, cabinet doors in nose of trailer shows signs of water damage.
5’6” Short wall
Electric/propane combination
Steel walls and ceiling
Carpeted floor
No refrigerator, stove top, TV or Microwave
2 closets
Stainless single sink
2 windows in nose
1 window over counter top
Coleman Mack 13,500 BTU air conditioner
No Furnace
Toilet Shower combo
6 gallon Electric Water Heater
Fresh water tank
No gray holding tank(shower and sink water run out on ground)