2005 4 Star 7 Horse, 7' 6" Wide, 37' Length, Hayrack, Collapsible Rear Tack, WERM Flooring. It has a 6' Short Wall Mid-Tack with a 9'8" Long Wall, with Doors on both sides, 6 Tier Saddle Rack, 10 Tier Blanket Bar, 4 Brush Trays, 25 Bridle Hooks. It also has a 46" Short Wall Dressing Room with Boot Box, Shelf, and Clothes Rod. It also has a Hydraulic Jack; this trailer is a 7 horse, but it has 5 dividers. This 4 Star Trailer has a lot of nice features. For more information contact Brian at Duba Trailer Customizing & Sales, Inc. Office 402.482.5240 or Cell. 308.750.3479