Mangers, Collapsible Rear Tack, Escape Door & Stud
Own it for $206 a month with zero down. $185 a month with $2k down. 2004 Keifer 4H with 8' LQ. 25' floor, 7' tall and 7' wide. Trailer Features: 7k axles, Nice set of 10 ply tires, Mangers, Manual jack, Escape door, Stud wall, Extruded sides, Stainless front, Collapsible rear tack, Rubber mats, lined walls & Spare tire. LQ Features: Sofa sleeper, AC w/ heat strip, 3.0 fridge, Microwave, Kitchen sink, Fresh tank and pump, Black and grey holding tanks, Water heater, Fold down counter top extension, New battery, Shower, Wardrobe closet in bath and separate stool. Financing, Trades and Free Limited delivery are available. Call Dave for more info: 314-498-9891 or email