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Kimberly Living Quarters
Author: ingramacres (Show all albums)

Living Quarters on 2003 Sundowner trailer. DIY with Walk through door

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Door inside showing frame work and right side of door.

Inside door showing left side

Inside view of door from dressing room. This will be covered with V-Board

Door from horse area of trailer. Trailer door 30x72 no window $140.00

Another picture of beams after cut out.

Wall after we cut beams to make room for door.

Close up of steps to bed. Still needs some trim work

Steps to bed area.

Dressing room wall before we cut out for walk through door.

Ceiling with ac unit and light next to it. Microwave and fridge built in.

Ceiling with ac unit and light next to it. Microwave and fridge built in.

Bottom cabinets showing floor
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