Posted 2008-07-24 9:18 AM (#88169) Subject: Fences make good neighbors and...
Elite Veteran
Posts: 690 Location: missouri
Heres a fresh report from beautiful (but mostly stupid) SW MO.... My husband was on his way into the small town we live near this morning, he said there were a couple of horses on the road and one dead colt laying in the road. Apparently, no one even stopped after they hit it!??? This upsets me terribly.I lost a husband this way in the early 80's. A farmer leasing the land did not fix his fences...We were constantly putting horses and cattle back in and wiring fences.Check your fences and drive carefully on county roads... (Thanks for the vent)
Posted 2008-07-24 11:05 AM (#88174 - in reply to #88169) Subject: RE: Fences make good neighbors and...
Posts: 2615
CJ you are right..Our neighbors are constantly having their cattle get out.Recently the whole herd (nearly 100) was missing! People are opening the gates,which,I say,they need to padlock them.
Posted 2008-07-24 7:25 PM (#88213 - in reply to #88169) Subject: RE: Fences make good neighbors and...
Posts: 1205 Location: Arkansas
Sorry to hear of the loss of your husband. keeping gates secure is a good thing, if they have to be locked to stop idiotic behavior, so be it. It is also good to drive aware that you could meet a kid on a bike, a loose horse or cow etc, around the bend. Most states have some form of livestock laws on the books, some are quite old.... might have to check into that!
Posted 2008-07-25 9:01 AM (#88249 - in reply to #88213) Subject: RE: Fences make good neighbors and...
Posts: 1877 Location: NY
flyingfarm is right, we here in NY have a live stock ( animal law) people are liable for there animal ,if it gets out all damage they do the owner is liable for. if the fence is the problem the owner of the property is also liable. if this does not work tell the own of the horse that next time some body my take the horse and keep the you never know what could happen