Posted 2007-04-26 12:06 PM (#60008 - in reply to #60004) Subject: RE: kipor generaters
Extreme Veteran
Posts: 524
Location: Lone Oak, Tx
I think you'll find that most of the people that have bought them, bought them off of the internet, me included. For the money they can't be beat, IMO. They are quiet, not quite as quiet as the Honda's but within at least a dB or 2. Quiet enough that I can't hear mine inside my trailer. They also run on a minimal of fuel. I've had mine for almost 2 years and have had no problems. The weld on the door broke and the people I bought it from, off of Ebay mind you, replaced it immediately. It runs my AC, and fridge non-stop at my endurance rides and will run my microwave when I need it to (usually turn the AC off for the few minutes it takes to run the micro). If you do a search on Google or something for kipor and Illinois I'll bet you can find an RV dealer that sells them.
Posted 2007-04-26 2:28 PM (#60022 - in reply to #59995) Subject: RE: kipor generaters
Posts: 51
Location: North Carolina
I have had two Kipor 3000. And also a kipor 6000. One of the 3000 was quiet loud so returned it and got another one, the newer one burns a lot of oil, so think I will have to take it back. I also have a honda 3000 and the kipor doesnt seem to have the surge capability as the honda does. If I had it to do over again I would spend the extral $600 and get the honda. Several friends of mine have not had any problems with their kipors, so their must be some that are ok. One thing I do like about them is they have wheels where as the honda that is an option.
Posted 2007-04-27 9:49 AM (#60061 - in reply to #59995) Subject: RE: kipor generaters
Elite Veteran
Posts: 634
Location: Tipton, IN
I have had my Kipor for two years, and it does use a little oil, but nothing major. I like it. And since Dave said premeire dealer could jump in, Kay that responded above is one, in Carmel Indiana, Northside Trailer Sales. Good people to deal with from my experience.
Posted 2007-04-27 12:23 PM (#60068 - in reply to #59995) Subject: RE: kipor generaters
Elite Veteran
Posts: 803
Location: Tenn/Ala.
We stock & sell several models of Kipor & the new Cummins/Onan portables. Our parts dept. is 1-877-685-4040 ext 4. UPS daily. Visa/MC accepted. Our parts mgr. Roger Perryman would be tickled to help anyone with a Kipor or Cummins. RTSmith Select Trailer Co. Shelbyville, TN.
Posted 2007-04-27 10:41 PM (#60086 - in reply to #60068) Subject: RE: kipor generaters
Posts: 2828
Location: Southern New Mexico
RTSmith Since you carry them I have a quiestion for you. We bought the high altitude jet for ours, but how do you get to it to change it? There were no directions wit the jet. We live at 4200ft and sometimes we camp at higher and lower elevations.
Posted 2007-04-28 9:15 AM (#60097 - in reply to #59995) Subject: RE: kipor generaters
Elite Veteran
Posts: 803
Location: Tenn/Ala.
Great question. Frankly we're @ 800 feet, so we've never been asked. But it is on the docket to find out Monday. Roger & I will get back with you on this!