Posted 2023-07-07 9:30 PM (#185594 - in reply to #185592) Subject: RE: Roof insulation
Posts: 2958 Location: North Carolina
I insulated the dressing area with one inch foam insulation. Only did the roof, between the roof bows. I chose rigid foam in case of a roof leak. Doesn't absorb water unlike fiber insulation. It was very effective in reducing heat transfer. (either way)
Posted 2023-07-08 9:00 AM (#185597 - in reply to #185592) Subject: RE: Roof insulation
Posts: 67 Location: Everton, Arkansas
In my horse area I used 1 inch foil backed foam board. Taped it in between the aluminum framing studs. Then I went to Utility Trailer and purchased white aluminum sheets like on the side of the trailer as well as white aluminum rivets and covered it all. Dropped the temperature nicely in the horse area.
Posted 2024-03-06 11:26 PM (#185692 - in reply to #185592) Subject: RE: Roof insulation
New User
Posts: 4
I know this post is old but just wanted to comment. My husband used to do trailer conversions and he too used the foam boards on walls and ceilings and taped them. BUT he has a product that could further help you keep your trailer cooler if interested.
Tuff-Kote is a silicone based product (white in color) that not only seals and helps protect your roof but it has reflective properties that will cool the roof up to 45 degrees which in turn helps lower the interior temp for you and your horses. Bonus if it helps keep your air conditioner from running so hard. It’s like having your trailer sitting in the shade, even when it’s not! Best part is he can travel to you if there is enough interest. More info, pricing, and pictures can be seen on FB under Tuff-Kote LLC or on our website Or feel free to call/text him. Matt 731-819-7429
Posted 2024-03-07 11:52 AM (#185695 - in reply to #185592) Subject: RE: Roof insulation
New User
Posts: 4
And if you called me this morning (3/7/24) and didn’t reach my husband please call back. He attempted to return the call but the person that answered the phone at Hart did not know why he was calling or who we needed to speak to.