Posted 2017-06-18 10:29 AM (#170088) Subject: Primitive camping generators
Posts: 99 Location: Pleasant Plain, Ohio 45162
Was wondering if the little 1000 watt portable gas generators would be able to charge up my batteries for my l.q. so I could have lights for 5 or 6 days. Would it be possible to plug my battery charger into this small generator and then charge my batteries that way. My l.q. is fully contained other than a generator. I do have solar panels on roof also but don't know how good they really are as they are over 10 years old. I have a bigger generator but really didn't want to pack it all the way. Won't need air or my microwave.
Posted 2017-06-18 10:18 PM (#170094 - in reply to #170088) Subject: RE: Primitive camping generators
Elite Veteran
Posts: 657 Location: Rayne, LA
With an adapter like this you can plug your LQ straight into the generator. ?Just remember that you can't run A/C, microwave, electric water heater or anything with a heavy load. lights, fans, phone charger, radio, tv, etc would be fine