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14 ply goodyear tires

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Reg. Mar 2005
Posted 2017-05-24 3:25 PM (#169943)
Subject: 14 ply goodyear tires


Posts: 99
Location: Pleasant Plain, Ohio 45162
We have the Goodyear 14 ply tires on our l.q. but have trouble getting the 110 psi required into the tire.  Our home air compressor won't do it so even took it to the gas station and theirs would only put 102 into each of them.  What is the remedy???   
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Reg. Jun 2011
Posted 2017-05-24 3:56 PM (#169944 - in reply to #169943)
Subject: RE: 14 ply goodyear tires

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 350
Location: Penrose, Colorado
the tires on mine are 125 psi,    my compressor shuts off at 150  ,  sounds to me that you need a bigger air machine.
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Reg. Jan 2007
Posted 2017-05-24 5:16 PM (#169945 - in reply to #169944)
Subject: RE: 14 ply goodyear tires


Posts: 3853
Location: Vermont
kooner - 2017-05-24 6:56 PM   sounds to me that you need a bigger air machine.
                                                                                 And the answer is...

Edited by PaulChristenson 2017-05-24 5:18 PM
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Reg. Jun 2011
Posted 2017-05-24 7:00 PM (#169946 - in reply to #169943)
Subject: RE: 14 ply goodyear tires

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 350
Location: Penrose, Colorado
Paul if your directed to me?  the answer is have a compressor that shuts off at least 20 pounds higher than you need for the tires.  even though mine shuts off higher sometimes you have to let the compressor get to max. to get to 125 and it still might take a cycle or 2 to get this done. 
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Reg. Apr 2014
Posted 2017-05-24 8:33 PM (#169947 - in reply to #169943)
Subject: RE: 14 ply goodyear tires


Posts: 124
Location: Calgary, Canada
Heavy load trailers (like a LQ) require heavy duty tires that require high inflation pressures to achieve their maximum load rating. You may need to take your trailer to a tire shop or a truck stop where they will likely have a large enough compressor to properly inflate your tires. As you point out, a local service station may not be equipped for your required inflation pressure.

As the tire inflation pressure decreases, the tire load rating also decreases. For example, on our Goodyear G614 RST LT235-85R16 G rated tires (14 ply), the Goodyear load chart indicates the following:
110 psi inflation pressure = 3750 psi load rating
105 psi inflation pressure = 3675 psi load rating
100 psi inflation pressure = 3550 psi load rating
95 psi inflation pressure = 3415 psi load rating

You really must understand the actual loading of you trailer (which means weighing it loaded) before you purposely decide to run at a pressure lower than the tire maximum inflation pressure. From what I have read, most people on this forum prefer to run their tires at the maximum inflation pressure, thus giving their tires the maximum load rating and thus a larger safety factor (and longer tire life).

I personally like to keep my actual tire loading to 80% of the manufacturers rating and thus keep my LQ trailer tires inflated to the maximum inflation pressure of 110 psi.

Regards, 3CW
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Reg. Jan 2007
Posted 2017-05-29 2:47 AM (#169963 - in reply to #169946)
Subject: RE: 14 ply goodyear tires


Posts: 3853
Location: Vermont
kooner - 2017-05-24 10:00 PM Paul if your directed to me?  the answer is have a compressor that shuts off at least 20 pounds higher than you need for the tires.  even though mine shuts off higher sometimes you have to let the compressor get to max. to get to 125 and it still might take a cycle or 2 to get this done. 
Nope...I was agreeing that YOU HAD THE ANSWER... 

Now this one will give you up to 400 psi...

Edited by PaulChristenson 2017-05-29 2:51 AM
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Reg. Jan 2007
Posted 2017-05-29 1:30 PM (#169964 - in reply to #169943)
Subject: RE: 14 ply goodyear tires


Posts: 3853
Location: Vermont
Speaking of tires...

Goodyear has just launched an American made ST trailer tire.  I know, Goodyear has made the LT load range G trailer tire for quite some time, but they are around $300--$350 depending on who you ask.. 

The Goodyear Endurance trailer tire is made in the ST235/80r16 & ST235/85r16 in load range E which are sizes I can use, as I'm sure most of ya'll can as well.  There's an oddball size of 255/85r16 available, but I'm not sure 33" tall would work for most of us.  Goodyear has just launched an American made ST trailer tire.  I know, Goodyear has made the LT load range G trailer tire for quite some time, but they are around $300--$350 depending on who you ask.. 

The Goodyear Endurance trailer tire is made in the ST235/80r16 & ST235/85r16 in load range E which are sizes I can use, as I'm sure most of ya'll can as well.  There's an oddball size of 255/85r16 available, but I'm not sure 33" tall would work for most of us.  The speed rating for this tire is really M(81mph).   

As of now the online reviews are pretty scarce since they are so new..   

As of now the online reviews are pretty scarce since they are so new. 

Edited by PaulChristenson 2017-05-29 1:58 PM
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Reg. Jan 2007
Posted 2017-05-29 2:04 PM (#169965 - in reply to #169943)
Subject: RE: 14 ply goodyear tires


Posts: 3853
Location: Vermont
honor - 2017-05-24 6:25 PM We have the Goodyear 14 ply tires on our l.q. but have trouble getting the 110 psi required into the tire.  Our home air compressor won't do it so even took it to the gas station and theirs would only put 102 into each of them.  What is the remedy???   
You could consider getting a Viair unit...
  • 12-volt
  • Duty cycle = 100% @ 100 PSI
  • Max working pressure = 150 PSI
  • Max amp draw = 19 amps  

Edited by PaulChristenson 2017-05-29 2:06 PM
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Reg. Oct 2008
Posted 2017-05-31 4:16 PM (#169976 - in reply to #169943)
Subject: RE: 14 ply goodyear tires


Posts: 185
Location: riverside ca
I had that same viar compressor on my jeep, it would take 45min to an hour to get my 4 35 " tires from  10 psi to 30.  I can only imagine it would take a week to get 4 tires up to 125 psi
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