Posted 2017-02-16 4:01 PM (#169358) Subject: The infamous corroded floor
New User
Posts: 3
My floor is beyond repair and does need to be replaced. It is a sheet aluminum floor that was corroded when I bought the trailer 7 years ago. I read this forum and acid washed, filed, and ground a lot then coated with duplicolor. Some holes were quarter size to slightly bigger. I knew with this much corrosion it would have to be addressed further down the road. Now is the time. Can I cut the welds and replace the floor with treated boards and mats? I really wanted rumber floor, but the price is hard to swallow with a 25 year old trailer. Advice please. Thanks!
Posted 2017-02-18 1:06 AM (#169367 - in reply to #169358) Subject: RE: The infamous corroded floor
Posts: 124 Location: Calgary, Canada
Since you have sheet aluminum floor, I "assume" that you have separate floor joists. Your options are going to depend on the type of floor joists in your trailer and on their condition. If the joists are are also significantly corroded, then you will be looking at more extensive repairs (or junking the trailer). Your best bet will be to find an aluminum welding shop that is experienced in aluminum trailer repairs. I was dealing with a corroded floor on a trailer and had talked to a local aluminum trailer manufacturer who had indicated that sheeting over the existing floor was a possible option. But that would assume that the floor joists are in good condition. I suggest that you seek an aluminum welder / fabricator's opinion.
Posted 2017-02-20 6:38 AM (#169376 - in reply to #169358) Subject: RE: The infamous corroded floor
New User
Posts: 3
Thank you. It does have floor joists that are 12" apart. It seems very well supported and the joists do appear to be good and don't look to be corroded. But may not know 100 percent until the old floor comes out.
Posted 2017-02-23 4:54 PM (#169391 - in reply to #169358) Subject: RE: The infamous corroded floor
Posts: 1989 Location: South Central OK
For the cost of having the aluminum sheeting installed by a pro I bet you are in the same $$$ as putting in rumber yourself. Get some real quotes but I agree you could possibly place another sheet over the existing floor but have a pro do it that knows about the details of aluminum fabrication.