I mkae up a video each year of the places I rode for the year. Partly so I could share with my Dad where I went and let him see some back country and partly just to preserve a memory of where I've been.
My father passed away in September, But the tradition continues, Maybe my daughters who used to ride with me and now are too busy with their own lives will enjoy.
At any rate, If any of you are snowed in with bad weather and jonesing for outdoor scenery from the back of a horse. I offer you the link to my video on Youtube.
It's an hour long home movie. If you get bored with it skip ahead to different month and enjoy the scenry. I put the photos/videos in chronological order. January rides first, December rides are last. I tried to title the months and basic location of where in Utah I was riding.
Posted 2017-01-26 9:33 PM (#169190 - in reply to #169168) Subject: RE: 2016 rides
Posts: 2453 Location: Northern Utah
Thanks, It was his time. He lived a good 88 years. His quality of life had changed to where he wasn't enjoying being here.
Dad used to earn money in high school by buying mustangs at the auction and selling them a few months later after he had broke them. He often told the story of how he used to stake them out along the rail road tracks to graze on the wild grass all day until he could come out and work them and then move their stakes. While he didn't ride much in his later years. He always enjoyed seeing where I took the horses.
Posted 2017-01-28 8:22 PM (#169198 - in reply to #169168) Subject: RE: 2016 rides
New User
Posts: 1
Painted Horse
Thanks a ton. I am indeed sitting here in central Oregon up to my belly in snow and thoroughly enjoyed seeing the trail through the ears of your horse. I seriously needed a fix. And not a single mountain bike screaming down the hill in your face...amazing. I've got to get some of that.
I am going be sure to travel to Utah for horse camping and riding this year.
I'm sure your father enjoyed seeing your rides from the back of your steady horse. Happy trails.