Posted 2014-08-03 9:51 AM (#160241 - in reply to #160235) Subject: RE: Limestone & Stalls
Posts: 7
I am finding the same. Tried to find anything on university research centers and found little. It does appear lime or limestone has benefits for odor control.
Posted 2014-08-03 12:12 PM (#160246 - in reply to #160235) Subject: RE: Limestone & Stalls
Posts: 79 Location: pineville,mo
We use what they call limesand from out local quarry,then also put GARDEN lime on wet spots and rake over it,my vet started using it after we did,be sure it is GARDEN lime,not the commercial type.
Posted 2014-08-03 12:58 PM (#160247 - in reply to #160235) Subject: RE: Limestone & Stalls
Posts: 7
Part of the discussion may need to include uric acid and lime, or calcium lime mixture. There is bound to be a reaction of some kind. Just cannot determine if it is harmful for long periods of hoof contact. Many have seen urine's effect on cement. What does it do if anything to horse hoofs?
Posted 2014-10-27 10:43 PM (#161313 - in reply to #160235) Subject: RE: Limestone & Stalls
Posts: 1989 Location: South Central OK
If there were known problems they would be documented by now. I have never had a problem with using Ag lime in my stalls and I'm too old to tell you how long I've been doing it.