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Lovin my automatic waterer

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horsin around
Reg. Jun 2005
Posted 2014-02-06 10:13 AM (#157359)
Subject: Lovin my automatic waterer

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 322
Location: Fort Madison, Iowa

Have to say I'm loving my Ritchie waterer this winter.  Just had -20 and -16 and it just keeps working fine.  Makes me smile everyday when I check it.  Can't say the same when I look out and see 12" + inches of snow on the ground.

This has been a long winter and can't wait for Spring so I can get some riding in. 

Edited by horsin around 2014-02-06 10:14 AM
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Reg. Apr 2014
Posted 2014-05-25 2:48 PM (#159204 - in reply to #157359)
Subject: RE: Lovin my automatic waterer


Posts: 124
Location: Calgary, Canada
I have to add that we love our Nelson automatic waterer. It has been great in the winter (we see -40F) and the best feature is the easy clean stainless steel bowl. You can pop the water bowl out in under 10 seconds, dump out any debris or give it a quick wash and pop it right back in. No float to deal with as is has a balanced bowl valve on it. I highly recommend the Nelson to anyone ... we have had ours for 11 years with minimal repairs or maintenance. Regards, 3C/W
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Reg. Jun 2005
Posted 2014-05-26 3:04 PM (#159211 - in reply to #157359)
Subject: RE: Lovin my automatic waterer

Elite Veteran

Posts: 690
Location: missouri
Thanks for posting about the Nelson Waterers... We have other that are OK, but I would like to add two more units in different locations.
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Painted Horse
Reg. May 2005
Posted 2014-05-27 7:18 AM (#159229 - in reply to #157359)
Subject: RE: Lovin my automatic waterer


Posts: 2453
Location: Northern Utah
I've had the Bar Bar A Horse Drinker in my horse corral. It works great and no electricity needed. No maintenance. It just works.
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Reg. May 2014
Posted 2014-05-27 8:30 AM (#159232 - in reply to #157359)
Subject: RE: Lovin my automatic waterer

New User

Posts: 1

Location: conrad
Horsin Around, thank you for your comments. We did have quite the long brutal winter. We welcome any questions if any happen to come up.
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Reg. Nov 2011
Posted 2014-05-27 8:07 PM (#159249 - in reply to #159232)
Subject: RE: Lovin my automatic waterer


Posts: 91
Location: Waverly,Oh
I have a question for those of you that use the automatic waterers . In the hot summer sun, doesn't the water get very hot. I just have a hard time believing that a horse will drink the warm/hot water that is in the bowl before the float allows cool water to flow in. We would really like to put one in the pasture but have not for that reason.
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Painted Horse
Reg. May 2005
Posted 2014-05-28 8:19 AM (#159255 - in reply to #157359)
Subject: RE: Lovin my automatic waterer


Posts: 2453
Location: Northern Utah
The Bar Bar A provides fresh water when the horse presses the paddle. Nothing is stored in the horse drinker. So any water the horse gets to drink just arrives from 5 foot deep in the ground. So it is ground temp. Which for me is about 55° Winter or summer.
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Reg. Apr 2006
Posted 2014-06-04 2:04 PM (#159346 - in reply to #159249)
Subject: RE: Lovin my automatic waterer

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 455
Location: Texas
Originally written by Remington77 on 2014-05-27 8:07 PM

I have a question for those of you that use the automatic waterers . In the hot summer sun, doesn't the water get very hot. I just have a hard time believing that a horse will drink the warm/hot water that is in the bowl before the float allows cool water to flow in. We would really like to put one in the pasture but have not for that reason.

Believe it.

I suppose the water gets warm. Maybe a little warmer than air temp. I've never experienced a horse that wouldn't drink it, though. Plus, the bowls are small, so as soon as they start drinking, it starts filling with cooler water. I think you are giving the horse a little too much credit for its ability to reason. Horse thirsty = horse drink. Even if they didn't like warm water as well, I bet they would drink just before the point of death by dehydration.

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Reg. Jul 2014
Posted 2014-07-07 1:11 PM (#159745 - in reply to #157359)
Subject: RE: Lovin my automatic waterer


Posts: 7

Location: knoxville tn
Loving our Nelson too; just got it last november. saves us so much time. plus the our nelson has 8-10 culvert pipe deep in the ground. so even in hot temps the temp down in the ground is a lot cooler than outside temp. plus like was said above, the bowl is relatively small and when when horse starts drinking our Nelson starts pumping the well water in there.
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Painted Horse
Reg. May 2005
Posted 2014-07-07 11:31 PM (#159777 - in reply to #157359)
Subject: RE: Lovin my automatic waterer


Posts: 2453
Location: Northern Utah
The Bar Bar A drinker that I have does not hold ANY water. When the horse pushes the paddle the water flows up from the valve 5 feet in the ground. So the Water is ALWAYS fresh and ground temperature, Which is about 55° for me in my area of the country. So the answer to above question is No, the water does not get hot. In the winter, it is still around 53-55° So electric heater is required and the unit does not freeze.If you are in a particularly cold area of the country, Get the taller unit and put the valve 7 foot deep instead of the standard 5 foot.
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Reg. Jul 2014
Posted 2014-07-27 8:18 AM (#160158 - in reply to #159204)
Subject: RE: Lovin my automatic waterer


Posts: 7

We too have a nelson plus a Corbit. We have had our Nelson for a long time. It does require maintenance. The bowl if not kept free of algae along with general air borne corrosion will cause it to under or overfill occasionally. So it is not an install and forget type of equipment. Having it near where we come and go daily, by the gate, has caused us to catch it when it needs work. Also if installing new put plenty of gravel and a 4 inch perf pipe at the bottom. Summertime condensation will build a pool at the bottom of the vertical pipe.
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Reg. Jul 2014
Posted 2014-07-27 8:19 AM (#160159 - in reply to #159249)
Subject: RE: Lovin my automatic waterer


Posts: 7

During summer our horses are as likely to drink from our pond as the Nelson.
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Reg. Aug 2005
Posted 2014-09-20 6:22 AM (#160841 - in reply to #159255)
Subject: RE: Lovin my automatic waterer


Posts: 51
Location: Jeddo, MI
I also have a bar bar A and love it...the only issue we have had is that last winter it did freeze up...and I am not blaming the unit...our winter was the coldest it has ever and what we found was that our water table was real high therefore water would not drain into the ground, it just kept filling up the tube and eventually froze. :( we may have to pull it out and raise it up higher out of the ground...can't think of anything else to solve this problem..
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Painted Horse
Reg. May 2005
Posted 2014-09-23 9:03 PM (#160901 - in reply to #157359)
Subject: RE: Lovin my automatic waterer


Posts: 2453
Location: Northern Utah
Is your water table really that high or did you just have poor drainage in your soil that held the water.

If it's a drainage issue, dig the unit out and put more gravel around the base to give the water some place to drain off to. You may also want to put some fabric or plastic down on top of the gravel to prevent sand or silt from sifting down into the gravel and filling all the voids.
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Reg. Apr 2006
Posted 2014-09-26 11:34 AM (#160929 - in reply to #157359)
Subject: RE: Lovin my automatic waterer

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 455
Location: Texas
I'm renting a trencher this weekend and will be doing a little "Armstrong Backhoe" work in order to install two automatic waterers at my place. I looked at other brands, but decided to go with Ritchie out of familiarity.
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