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Red Hill Horse Camp in Kentucky

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Last activity 2014-03-06 12:39 PM
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Reg. Feb 2009
Posted 2014-01-12 7:25 PM (#156853)
Subject: Red Hill Horse Camp in Kentucky


Posts: 74
We would appreciate information from anyone who has been to Red Hill Horse Camp.Would it be a place you could ride for a week without alot of out and back.Is there easy access to the trails. Is there a trail map anywhere on line.Thanks!!
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Reg. Apr 2008
Posted 2014-01-27 12:44 AM (#157195 - in reply to #156853)
Subject: RE: Red Hill Horse Camp in Kentucky

Location: Kentucky
While I do love riding at Red Hill, and I also love the campgrounds, I don't know if you could ride there for a week without doing some of the trails more than once. And it's all out and back the same way for the most part. Red Hill Horse Camp is situated on top of a "hill". There are several options to leave camp to get to the main trails, but you will be riding off that hill each time. Then down a gravel road for a short distance. It's a fairly rugged place to ride with many climbs and downhills and also plenty of rocks in some areas. In a few places, the trails have been rutted so deep that your stirrups may brush along the edges, depending of course on how tall your horse is and how long your stirrups are, lol. So consider the condition of your horse and his/her tolerance for narrow trails at times. I do love to ride there and love the campsites and horse facilities and ride there 3-4 times a year. I don't know of any online trail maps. I hope this info helps. If you do go and don't want to ride there for a whole week, then there are other options fairly nearby to split your time between.
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Reg. Oct 2006
Posted 2014-02-28 1:41 PM (#157737 - in reply to #156853)
Subject: RE: Red Hill Horse Camp in Kentucky

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 391
Location: Columbia, KY

It's a beautiful horse camp- nice good sized sites and safe barns.  You can even have your meals cooked if you want to go that route!
We were less than thrilled w/ the trails.  The maps are useless.  Most of the trails are very poorly marked.  The trails out of camp are dangerous in places.. once we got a few miles away they did get nicer.  We were lucky and met some locals riding there, and hung with them all weekend.  If we hadn't met them we'd have been completely lost. 

Just my opinion, but not someplace I'd go back to.

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Reg. Mar 2010
Posted 2014-03-06 12:39 PM (#157849 - in reply to #156853)
Subject: RE: Red Hill Horse Camp in Kentucky


Posts: 178
Location: Richmond, Ky
Don't know of any campgrounds that have enough trails leading into and out of that you can ride and not cover the same trails for a week. But the other posters are correct in there are some spots that are pretty tough, and they are some awesome trails also. The maps aren't much and the trail markings do leave you wondering where you're at. Best thing to do is meet up with someone that knows the trails and ride with them and they will guide you thru, the camps/stalls and owner are super, trails are super but they can be very rocky at points. This is located In Rockcastle county Ky and it lives up to the name!!! Just be prepared and have a good time. The owner, Gene will help you and explain the good trails and bad he's super....You might even be able to get him to take you on a guided ride.
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