Posted 2012-08-07 10:44 AM (#146163) Subject: Loading a 3H bumper pull with 2 horses
Posts: 45
I want to buy a 3H slant bumper pull and haul 2 horses, loaded in the middle and back stalls. Nothing loaded in the first stall and saddles, etc, in the front tack room.
Is this improper loading; that is, will I have weight distribution issues?
Posted 2012-08-07 2:30 PM (#146165 - in reply to #146163) Subject: RE: Loading a 3H bumper pull with 2 horses
Posts: 26 Location: Decatur, TX
You shouldnt have a weight distribution issue. Cimarron is very good about placement of their axles to help distribute weight in the trailer. A lot of trailers are used with the front stall as a storage stall and the back two as the actual hauling stalls, so you shouldnt have a problem. Cimarron is one of the best in the business, you wont be disappointed! Let me know if you have any other questions on these great trailers.
Posted 2012-08-07 10:27 PM (#146171 - in reply to #146163) Subject: RE: Loading a 3H bumper pull with 2 horses
Posts: 5870 Location: western PA
The Cimarron BP trailer with a DR has the axles well torwards the rear of the trailer. The axles appear to directly support the rear and middle stalls. The dressing room will add weight to the tongue. So, you should be able to utilise the rear most stalls, without unloading the tongue weight, and causing swaying.
On some 3H BP trailers, the axles are more centrally located. Loading just the rear stalls in these, will unload the hitch, causing tracking problems. Placing a horse in the forward and rear most stalls will better balance the trailer, allow good tracking and load control without needing extra mechanical aids.
Not all manufacturers place their axles in the same locations. So what works for one brand, may not be apropos for another. You have to consider the overall length of the trailer, the axle placements, and the loads you are planning to carry.
It is a fairly easy matter to determine what your proper loading should be. Load some horses, drive your trailer on a curvey road whilst varying your speeds and braking. Note how your tow vehicle feels and how well the trailer tracks. Change the horse placement and repeat the testing for each variable. The most solid trailering feeling, will be your choice of proper loading for your rig. You will notice that it will change, depending upon the number of horses being carried and their placement within the stalls.
Posted 2012-08-08 9:38 AM (#146175 - in reply to #146163) Subject: RE: Loading a 3H bumper pull with 2 horses
Posts: 45
Thank you for your replies.
Will the manufacturers make recommendations on this?
I'm thinking if I look at other brands, without loading the horses and driving, is there be a way to know if the axels are placed so that loading the last two stalls would be OK?
I have a 3H GN slant LQ and travel with my two horses in the back stalls no problem, but a GN is different than a bumper pull in that regard.
Posted 2012-08-08 10:43 AM (#146176 - in reply to #146175) Subject: RE: Loading a 3H bumper pull with 2 horses
Posts: 5870 Location: western PA
Will the manufacturers make recommendations on this?
Sorry, I have no clue
I'm thinking if I look at other brands, without loading the horses and driving, is there be a way to know if the axels are placed so that loading the last two stalls would be OK?
Once again. If the axles are at the very rear of the trailer, more tongue weight will be introduced. If there is a dressing room ahead of the stalls, there will be more tongue weight. The higher the tongue weight as a percentage of total weight, the more of a loading you can place into the rear of a trailer. This is why most GN trailers can be heavily loaded in the rear and remain stable whilst towing.
With a slant load trailer, you can determine the general placement of the axles by comparing them to the stall windows. The butt side windows will be further aft than the head side by about one stall width. If the last stall butt window is against the rear of the trailer, and the rear most axle is directly under that stall, you will end up with significant tongue weight. If a dressing room is added, more tongue weight will be added. This type of trailer will usually allow only rear stall loading.
If the axles are located under the middle of the center stall, and there is no large dressing room, loading only the last stall will partially unload the tongue. Try to visualise the axles as being the pivot point of a teeter totter. With the axles centrally located, a 3H BP trailer can be loaded in a balanced configuration with one to three horses.
One horse- center stall; 2 horses - one in the front stall, one in the rear. Heaviest in the front. Three horses- heaviest in the center stall, next heaviest in the front, lighest in the rear.
This type of loading can result in a 3H trailer having less tongue weight than a 2H ST trailer, and may not need sway and over load mechanicals to correct an over loaded hitch.
Once you start looking at the various manufacturers' trailers, you will begin to visualise what results the different constructions will have on the tow vehicles' hitches. Some people believe that the more tongue weight the better. It's better if you want worn tires and suspension components, and want to spend extra money for corrective aids. You can have a dead steady towing experience, with a moderate tongue weight and a balanced load.
Shopping the various brands will enable you to choose what you want. Most sales persons will tell you what you want to hear. Knowing ahead of time what is best for your needs, will make your choices much easier to effect. Look at the many photos in the trailers for sale section. It's an easy way to learn and recognise the differences.
Posted 2012-08-08 9:41 PM (#146183 - in reply to #146163) Subject: RE: Loading a 3H bumper pull with 2 horses
Posts: 80 Location: Central WI
We pull a 3 horse Cimarron BP trailer and most often haul only two horses. Our tack is loaded in the rear compartment but the front dressing room does contain a fair amount of weight. We have average size horses @ 1,100# each. One time I tried hauling using the first two stalls and noticed some trailer sway due to the extra tongue weight. Since then we always haul two horses using the second and third stalls.
Posted 2012-08-09 5:14 PM (#146214 - in reply to #146163) Subject: RE: Loading a 3H bumper pull with 2 horses
Posts: 79 Location: iowa
I have a 3 horse slant with a 10LQ Sundowner that rides very well. I have actually left a cup of coffee on the counter, driven a couple of hundred miles and the coffee doesn't spill.
When ever I put the horses in the rear 2 stalls evrything bounces terribly and the saddles all fall off the racks even bungied down. So I will only pull with horses up front and I load my hay and stuff in the last stall.