Posted 2012-03-30 9:17 AM (#142646) Subject: Acid Washed Aluminum
Posts: 32 Location: Boyd, MN 56218
My trailer has been acid washed I think. There is a grainy substance on the aluminum extruded sides. I can wash it off with water however there is a little shadow where the articles were. is there anything I can do about that?Jean
Posted 2012-03-30 12:55 PM (#142654 - in reply to #142646) Subject: RE: Acid Washed Aluminum
Posts: 5
Normally an "acid wash" leaves a very shiny surface as it removes the aluminum oxide coating that normally forms in air and exposes the un-oxydized aluminum.
I'm not sure what you have, but it doesn't sound like an "acid wash."
Posted 2012-03-30 3:44 PM (#142659 - in reply to #142646) Subject: RE: Acid Washed Aluminum
Posts: 5870 Location: western PA
After graphics are removed from an aluminum trailer, a slightly darker shadow of the graphic will appear in the metal. This cannot be buffed out or completely removed. If it is objectionable, your only recourse is to apply another graphic or paint to cover the area.
Posted 2012-04-01 2:15 PM (#142704 - in reply to #142646) Subject: RE: Acid Washed Aluminum
Posts: 32 Location: Boyd, MN 56218
There are no graphics involved. this is a grainy like substance and it is a little powdery when it is wiped off. The shadowy looking parts are tiny just like the particles.
Posted 2012-04-01 2:36 PM (#142706 - in reply to #142646) Subject: RE: Acid Washed Aluminum
Posts: 5870 Location: western PA
It sounds as if the trailer wasn't sufficiently flushed with water after the acid bath. It may have to be rewashed to remove the residue. Try an RV wash with a power washer, aggitating it with a stiff bristled brush. If that doesn't remove the granules, it will probably have to be acid washed again.
This would be faster and less labour intensive than buffing the whole lot.
Posted 2012-05-29 9:22 PM (#144312 - in reply to #142646) Subject: RE: Acid Washed Aluminum
Posts: 14
Location: Belvidere, IL
I have a 4-Star LQ trailer which has natural and painted aluminum. After an acid bath, is it recommended to wax the painted areas? I love having my trailer look shiny & new. Also, will the acid bath compromise the awning?
Posted 2012-05-29 10:43 PM (#144317 - in reply to #142646) Subject: RE: Acid Washed Aluminum
Posts: 5870 Location: western PA
Acid washing painted aluminum will eventually erode and destroy the painted surface, It is recommended that the painted panels be citrus washed instead.
Posted 2012-05-30 1:58 PM (#144335 - in reply to #142646) Subject: RE: Acid Washed Aluminum
Posts: 19
Location: Noblesville, IN
I highly recommend Blue Beacon Truck Wash, they have a citrus alumibrite process that really does a nice job.
We just purchased a 93 Featherlite that had that dead grey look to it. We took it to Blue Beacon for $65.00 they treated and washed the trailer and my pick up. It looks great.