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More Difficult to Borrow Money....Effect on Trailer Values?

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Reg. Mar 2010
Posted 2012-03-19 7:15 AM (#142263)
Subject: More Difficult to Borrow Money....Effect on Trailer Values?

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 489

Not too many years ago I don't think it was that difficult to puchase a horse trailer on credit with a 10 year term and I know some would sell with terms longer than that.  You could see ads for a $50,000 horse trailer and $9.00 a month payments...obviously not that low but your could buy a lot of trailer for a small monthly payment.

Some posts I have read over the last year have lead me to believe getting a loan for a trailer is much more difficult than in the past, has this had an effect on trailer values?  I wonder if it has improved the used market?  If the people that were buying the $50,000 on credit can no longer do this are they competing for the $25,000 used trailers and helping them to maintain their value?

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Krista W
Reg. Feb 2012
Posted 2012-03-19 8:42 AM (#142266 - in reply to #142263)
Subject: RE: More Difficult to Borrow Money....Effect on Trailer Values?


Posts: 26
Location: Decatur, TX
It does seem that banks are "pickier" now about loaning money for trailers than they used to be, but they are getting better than they were say a year and a half ago or two years ago. At our dealership we are getting larger livingquarters financed for 10-15 year terms at decent interest rates. Of course this is all depending on your indivdual credit. The financing banks dont just look off of credit score however, they will play into effect debt-income, the unit financed, credit history,ect. The used market has grown because depending on the trailer it is more efficent sometimes for people to pay cash and not have to finance them. However, the newer the unit sometimes the easier it is to get financing. Most banks frown at trailers that are pushing that 8-10year mark. Trailers that are new or just a couple years old have a better chance of getting those long terms and lower interest rates than the older units. The best thing to do it to talk to your local dealership and see what they have found and what banks they use to finance their trailers. Like our dealership we have different "tiers" of banks that will accept customers with different levels of credit, so hopefully we can find a bank for multiple situations.
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Reg. Oct 2011
Posted 2012-03-19 5:48 PM (#142298 - in reply to #142263)
Subject: RE: More Difficult to Borrow Money....Effect on Trailer Values?

Elite Veteran

Posts: 657
Location: Rayne, LA
I think the banks have gotten "picker" about loans on almost anything. I know locally where I am, banks have gotten bite on many different loans, not just horsetrailers and "what is the value going to be if I repose it".
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Reg. Dec 2010
Posted 2012-03-19 9:16 PM (#142306 - in reply to #142263)
Subject: RE: More Difficult to Borrow Money....Effect on Trailer Values?


Posts: 79
Location: Hopkinsville, Ky
I was in banking/finance about 20 years ago. At that time there was a short list of things you never wanted to have to repo. Horse trailers were at the top of the list. We loaned on consumer items, only if the customer had a strong ability to repay. I would say they are even stricter now. Where I was at was a locally owned/locally operated bank. A finance company takes more chances, and charges a higher interest rate to boot. Once either place has been burned enough they back out. By the way I had to repo a car one time a guy put two big chicken snakes in. I hate snakes. Got them out like nothing was wrong. Long story short people dont always take care of something their going to lose.
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Reg. Jan 2007
Posted 2012-03-19 9:45 PM (#142308 - in reply to #142306)
Subject: RE: More Difficult to Borrow Money....Effect on Trailer Values?


Posts: 3853
Location: Vermont
Originally written by bigfoot on 2012-03-19 9:16 PM

Long story short people dont always take care of something their going to lose.
When it comes to ANYTHING that has contact with horses...sometimes the item is "dinged" because of horses...
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Painted Horse
Reg. May 2005
Posted 2012-03-20 8:49 AM (#142320 - in reply to #142263)
Subject: RE: More Difficult to Borrow Money....Effect on Trailer Values?


Posts: 2453
Location: Northern Utah

For most of us, Horse trailers come under the term recreation or liesure vs money makng or business needs.

Toys are much easier for folks to walk away from. And I think the banks recognize this, and reflect this in their lending practices and rates. My personal opinion is that toys like horse trailers should be paid for at purchase . There was another post about Are people Over buying their horse trailer. The answer is yes since they finance it, they get the next size bigger, and more options. More of us would do with less if we paid cash for what we bought.

Just like the housing market, when the market heats up and over spends There comes a correction, which usually means a price drop.  When there is an over supply of products, more than there are consumers to purchase them, sellers usually lower prices to stimulate demand.  Manufatures are limited in how much they can drop the price and stay in business.  Raw materials still cost as much if not more than a few years ago.  So those that build new trailers can only drop so much.

Trailer owners in the market are usually ruled more by emotions than a cost of goods spreadsheet.   They need to sell for a reason, divorce, downsizing, upsizing, moving, lost jobs etc. So they are much more willing to take a loss than a manufacture is.  So my thoughts are with ths bad ecconomy, we are seeing used prices drop until the eccnomy improves and we have more buyers than sellers.

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Reg. Sep 2005
Posted 2012-03-21 1:04 AM (#142338 - in reply to #142263)
Subject: RE: More Difficult to Borrow Money....Effect on Trailer Values?

Elite Veteran

Posts: 610
Location: Northern CA

I use a local credit union for my loan needs. Right now, I was told that they would only finance me a LQ. It could be new or used but they would not finance me a GN with just a shell even if it was brand new. Now, my friend went into the same credit union and they told her that they would finance her an empty GN as long as it was brand new. LQ could be either new or used. WTH!??

I have great credit, never been late on a payment in my life! I don't owe a whole lot in other loans. But... I am not a "homeowner". I guess this makes all the difference?( My friend is paying on her home by the way.)

Painted horse, I disagree on the idea that every one should have to pay full price upfont or have nopthing at all. Ridiculous

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nd deb
Reg. Apr 2004
Posted 2012-03-21 5:29 AM (#142340 - in reply to #142263)
Subject: RE: More Difficult to Borrow Money....Effect on Trailer Values?


Posts: 182
From my experience it seems like a woman has a harder time getting financing.. they many times also put higher interest on a woman..
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horsin around
Reg. Jun 2005
Posted 2012-03-22 9:57 AM (#142376 - in reply to #142263)
Subject: RE: More Difficult to Borrow Money....Effect on Trailer Values?

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 322
Location: Fort Madison, Iowa

I come from the banking side and have been in banking for 28 years and have not worked on the loan side.  I can say you can thank your government.  Regs have come down so hard in the last years that it's harder for banks to give loans and keep within what our auditors will allow.

It use to be years ago a hand shake, you'd look at your customer more knowing them and their history but now days it's "do the numbers work".  I was reading an article one day and thought the person said it well, he said "it use to be years ago you'd look at your customer and try to do anything you could to help them but now you look at can I do this and stay within the guidelines."

I work in a small town bank and we still care and try to do whatever we can as long as it's within our guidelines we're allowed to.  Banking is a lot tougher for us now days.

I don't feel women get a bad wrap, it comes down to credit history, down payment, value, income, etc. there's a lot of different factors that are looked at.  It's illegal for a bank not give a loan or give higher rates based on age, race, sex, etc.

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Reg. Jan 2007
Posted 2012-03-23 12:16 AM (#142402 - in reply to #142338)
Subject: RE: More Difficult to Borrow Money....Effect on Trailer Values?


Posts: 3853
Location: Vermont
Originally written by jackbrat on 2012-03-21 1:04 AM<BR><BR><P>I use a local credit union for my loan needs. Right now, I was told that they would only finance me a LQ. It could be new or used but they would not finance me a GN with just a shell even if it was brand new. Now, my friend went into the same credit union and they told her that they would finance her an empty GN as long as it was brand new. LQ could be either new or used. WTH!??</P><P>I have great credit, never been late on a payment in my life! I don't owe a whole lot in other loans. But... I am not a "homeowner". I guess this makes all the difference?( My friend is paying on her home by the way.)</P><P>Painted horse, I disagree on the idea that every one should have to pay full price upfont or have nopthing at all. Ridiculous</P>
One, get your credit report to confirm your credit status.Two, not being a home owner does you you at a disadvantage because you do not have a LARGE asset they can attach if your trailer loan goes sideways...

Edited by PaulChristenson 2012-03-23 12:17 AM
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Reg. Jun 2011
Posted 2012-03-23 11:39 AM (#142421 - in reply to #142263)
Subject: RE: More Difficult to Borrow Money....Effect on Trailer Values?


Posts: 7

Location: Northeast Missouri
I have had more problems trying to do business buying a new truck as a woman than I had trying to buy a house. It worked to my advantage on the house, as I went through our local FSA office and was able to secure a low-interest rate loan as a "Socially-Disadvantaged Applicant." Basically, it means there aren't many women buying farm ground. When I went to buy a diesel pickup as a single woman, I got the runaround and was constantly asked if I needed to "run it by my husband or boyfriend." Apparently my money doesn't speak the same language as a man's money. About 5 years ago when I bought my trailer, I went through the local bank. The interest rate on it was the same as on a car. The loan officer/owner of the bank didn't ask many questions and just said to get what I wanted and he'd cover the check. I think your best bet these days is to go with a local bank if you can. One that "knows" you. They are more likely to help you out if they can. I know regulations are more strict now, BUT...
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