Posted 2012-03-12 11:30 AM (#141986) Subject: Horse/Toy Hauler Trailer??? Is it Possible??
Posts: 11
Location: TN
Hey everyone! I have done a little looking around here when i started my custom living quaters and alot of help!
New Question: Has anyone seen a horse trailer that can also carry an off-road vehicle. Like a Polaris RZR, dirtbike or any other toys? Sometimes we go to these remnote areas that both would be handy.
I guess i am looking for a horse/toy hauler with living quarters. Right now we have a 3 horse slant 4' short wall Hart and it is working great for a one nighter. I want something that we can enjoy a little longer weekend if possible.
Posted 2012-03-12 11:57 AM (#141991 - in reply to #141986) Subject: RE: Horse/Toy Hauler Trailer??? Is it Possible??
Posts: 5870 Location: western PA
We've hauled our compact tractor (~3 K#) a Kubota RTV (~2 K#), building materials and anything else that fits within the space's confines. Some of our forum's members have hauled Bison. The flooring is built for the high PSI that horses typically inflict, and has little trouble supporting the lesser amounts generated by the "toys".
It seems that very occasionally, horse trailers are actually used to transport horses.
Posted 2012-03-12 12:28 PM (#141993 - in reply to #141986) Subject: RE: Horse/Toy Hauler Trailer??? Is it Possible??
Posts: 11
Location: TN
I enjoy the fact that the trailer i have now is used for hauling horses, but i just want some versatility in that. If one weekend we want to ride horses, the next we may want to throw down on a off-road trail!
Currently, if we want to go somewhere and ride horses, we can ride and stay in a bed, but if we want to ride offroad trails, then we have to pitch a tent or rent a cabin. It would be much easier if we could have something for both.
Posted 2012-03-12 1:38 PM (#141996 - in reply to #141986) Subject: RE: Horse/Toy Hauler Trailer??? Is it Possible??
Posts: 114
If you put horses in you can certainly put your 4-wheeler or your "toy" in it,we have had the 4 wheelers in it, the lawn tractor and we even moved our child back home with all her "stuff". The construction of the trailer is made for the weight of horses and to with stand all the mean stuff they do like pawing,stomping and kicking.
Posted 2012-03-12 2:30 PM (#141998 - in reply to #141986) Subject: RE: Horse/Toy Hauler Trailer??? Is it Possible??
Posts: 78
Plenty of bird dog field trialers load ATVs into a mid tack, horses in the rear area, living quarters up front. Now and again they offer one for sale here.
Posted 2012-03-13 7:09 AM (#142021 - in reply to #141986) Subject: RE: Horse/Toy Hauler Trailer??? Is it Possible??
Elite Veteran
Posts: 657 Location: Rayne, LA
I added a receiver hitch to the rear of my trailer to pull a flat bed trailer behind with either a wagon or my Kawasaki Teryx. It makes for a long rig, but have been told by a trooper that as long as I am totally personal I should not have trouble anywhere. I use truck stops only for fuel and food because of the length. ( My truck is a Peterbilt, with a 30 ft floor on my trailer, with a 16 ft flat bed trailer ) I have a freind that pulls a fifth wheel camper with a 4 horse trailer behind and he can back the whole thing as straight as can be. I have not mastered this yet, he says it is not as hard as it seems, just pay attention mostly to the rear of the last trailer
Posted 2012-03-13 7:21 AM (#142022 - in reply to #141986) Subject: RE: Horse/Toy Hauler Trailer??? Is it Possible??
Posts: 11
Location: TN
wow! That is crazy. I feel i would need a camera, 2 flaggers, and some lines on the road to get me to back up with that amount.
I looked at the Bison and it has a collapsable tack in the rear...but that would be annoying having to move everything out each time. Which trailers have a midtack and is a wide body. I need about a 6' inside width? is that possible? I was thinking it would have to be a wide-body trailer.
Posted 2012-03-13 10:21 AM (#142026 - in reply to #141986) Subject: RE: Horse/Toy Hauler Trailer??? Is it Possible??
Posts: 155 Location: North Salem, IN
Sounds to me like you need a stock/combo with a mid tack. Don't know how hard it would be to find a used one like you need, but that would probably best suit your needs. No rear tack to contend with, and you can fold the dividers out of the way.
Posted 2012-03-13 10:40 AM (#142030 - in reply to #141986) Subject: RE: Horse/Toy Hauler Trailer??? Is it Possible??
Posts: 3802 Location: Rocky Mount N.C.
4 horse head to head with mid tack and LQ... Room for horses, carriage, ATV, mini truck, small tractor, 150 bales of hay, etc.... This may give you an idea or three.
Posted 2012-05-29 11:00 PM (#144319 - in reply to #141986) Subject: RE: Horse/Toy Hauler Trailer??? Is it Possible??
Posts: 5
Location: RR Valley of the North
We just bought a new Exiss 10'lg 3h slant to replace our Titan3h slant 4' weekender for this very reason. Our Titan did not have a collapsable tack so we could not fit the 4 wheeler in there. We have mounted a receiver hitch to pull the boat, will haul the Harley and do all of our camping in this one, where previously all of these activities involved a combination of our 5th wheel RV, a pull behind trailer and/or the horse trailer. Just wasn't working and we actually go horse camping many more times a year than regular camping so the 5th wheel with all the slides goes onto Craigslist along with the Titan weekender. Granted the living quarters is smaller than our big 5th wheel, but the kids are grown and we don't need quite as much space now. Love that we can do all those things with one unit now.
Posted 2012-05-30 11:57 AM (#144330 - in reply to #141986) Subject: RE: Horse/Toy Hauler Trailer??? Is it Possible??
New User
Posts: 1
Location: myrtle beach s.c.
have a 2006 Bison fully contained w/living quarters listed for sale
refer to AD #380220. If you are interested in trading, pls send pics, maybe we can work out a deal.