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Ford F350 Short Bed: GN trailer width?

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Last activity 2011-07-25 9:39 PM
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Reg. May 2007
Posted 2011-07-25 11:46 AM (#136059)
Subject: Ford F350 Short Bed: GN trailer width?


Posts: 147
Location: santa clara, ca
We have a 2005 F350 SB (80” box, GN hitch would be at 47” from the tailgate and 33” from the cab). Could we safely (not hitting the cab) pull a 7’6” wide trailer with a tapered nose (Exp. 7’6” Featherlite that tapers to maybe 5’6”) with an extender? Or we can pretty much only do 7” wide or less?There are two type of extender out there the “truck mounted one” that replaces the ball and pushes the trailer back an extra 4” (anything longer out there, 6”?) and a GN extension that mounts to the trailer itself and (9-16” of distance). I can see how the truck/ball one would provide a benefit, but with the other one the trailer is still pivoting on the same spot so that turning you wouldn’t have any advantages, am I seeing it wrong? (any videos out there that show it ?)Thanks
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Painted Horse
Reg. May 2005
Posted 2011-07-25 12:04 PM (#136061 - in reply to #136059)
Subject: RE: Ford F350 Short Bed: GN trailer width?


Posts: 2453
Location: Northern Utah

It's been a while since I had a short bed truck. But my trailer is 7'3" wide and I don't remember any problems. But a lot will depend on the type of taper the trailer has.  Any chance you can go hook up and pull it around the parking lot?  Or maybe stop in to a trailer dealer and see just how close to the cab one of their trailers come.

I'm always a little nervous of giving that type of advice for fear that somebody will take advantage of a dealer.  So while you are there, Buy something to make it worth their time. I find that if I have been giving a dealer business,  ( repairs, accessories, new trailer purchases) they are willing to work with me on these kind of issues.

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Reg. Apr 2007
Posted 2011-07-25 1:14 PM (#136067 - in reply to #136059)
Subject: RE: Ford F350 Short Bed: GN trailer width?

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 406
Location: Minneapolis, MN
My Featherlite is 8' wide, tapered nose, pull it with a Ford SD shortbox, no extender. You have to jackknife, in reverse, to get it to do any damage.
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Reg. Jan 2009
Posted 2011-07-25 7:56 PM (#136084 - in reply to #136059)
Subject: RE: Ford F350 Short Bed: GN trailer width?


Posts: 90
Buy the Pop Up coupler from Pop Up Industries. You can get a 9" set back...I had one for my short bed...loved it! Call them or find a dealer in your area. Great product. A bonus is the connecting lever system...you don't have to climb in the bed to hook up (other than safety chains)
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Reg. Jan 2009
Posted 2011-07-25 7:57 PM (#136085 - in reply to #136084)
Subject: RE: Ford F350 Short Bed: GN trailer width?


Posts: 90
My trailer had NO taper and 8'wide...was fine even in a super tight turn with the Pop Up coupler.
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Reg. Apr 2007
Posted 2011-07-25 9:39 PM (#136086 - in reply to #136059)
Subject: RE: Ford F350 Short Bed: GN trailer width?

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 406
Location: Minneapolis, MN

Alright, we need to clear the air about offset couplers and offset hitches. There is clearly a difference in the geometry of the two.

In one, the pivot point of the trailer connection is setback 9" (or whatever the offset is). That product mounts in the hitch of the truck and does not turn with the trailer. This does two things, it moves the trailer back the distance of the offset, and when the trailer is 90 degrees to the truck, it also increases the distance of the trailer to the truck cab the amount of the offset. Making the trailer act has if it was a narrower trailer.

In the offset coupler, it does indeed offset the trailer the amount of the offset, but does nothing to increase the distance of the trailer to the cab, when the trailer is turned 90 degrees to the truck. Why? because the coupler offset rotates with the trailer. The benefit of the offset coupler decreases as the angle between the truck and trailer increases. (tighter the turn)

Edited by wyndancer 2011-07-25 9:41 PM
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