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Removing decal from aluminum horse trailer

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Last activity 2010-04-22 8:47 AM
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Reg. Apr 2010
Posted 2010-04-22 12:27 AM (#119154)
Subject: Removing decal from aluminum horse trailer

New User

Posts: 1

Location: Shreveport, LA

I recently bought a slightly used Hart aluminum horse trailer that looks like new.

The previous owner had put a two letter decal or some kind of sign lettering of their

university logo on one of the back doors. How can I remove it without damaging

the aluminum finish?


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Reg. May 2009
Posted 2010-04-22 2:19 AM (#119155 - in reply to #119154)
Subject: RE: Removing decal from aluminum horse trailer


Posts: 28
Location: Southern Indiana
WD_40 works good. Spray it on and let it sit for a day or so. It softens the glue and if it leaves any of the glue just spray again. May have to do it a few times but it's always worked for me.
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Reg. Jul 2004
Posted 2010-04-22 6:27 AM (#119159 - in reply to #119154)
Subject: RE: Removing decal from aluminum horse trailer

Elite Veteran

Posts: 662
Location: Vanzant, Missouri
What about that stuff that is called Goo Gone? It's good stuff but have never used it on aluminum...It's says removes bugs and tar off vehicles so it may be ok. I have used it for removing tape etc...
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Reg. Jan 2009
Posted 2010-04-22 7:06 AM (#119160 - in reply to #119154)
Subject: RE: Removing decal from aluminum horse trailer


Posts: 69
Location: Elkhart , Indiana
start with a hair dryer to remove the top film than you can also use charcoal lighter fluid it will remove the glue and not harm the aluminum .Good Luck
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Reg. Oct 2008
Posted 2010-04-22 7:11 AM (#119161 - in reply to #119154)
Subject: RE: Removing decal from aluminum horse trailer


Posts: 119
Location: Fort White, Fla.
I used a heat gun on mine and it worked great and that is how I use to remove the decals off the Bud trucks when I painted them, and will not heart the paint, get it hot and take your nail and start in the corner and peel it off and that take mineral sprits to take what glue you have on your trailer, you should not have much glue left, but you need to get it hot and it will be hot on your fingers so be careful, but that is the best way to do it, don't use a putty knife or any shape peace to remove them you will scratch the paint
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Reg. Aug 2007
Posted 2010-04-22 8:43 AM (#119164 - in reply to #119154)
Subject: RE: Removing decal from aluminum horse trailer


Posts: 5870
Location: western PA
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Reg. May 2008
Posted 2010-04-22 8:47 AM (#119166 - in reply to #119154)
Subject: RE: Removing decal from aluminum horse trailer


Posts: 60
Location: Missouri

A heat gun or blow dryer on high setting will soften the decals and their glue.  Use a plastic putty knife, plastic dinner knife,  or similar piece to peel up the edge and just keep peeling and heating.

After you've removed the decals/glue, you'll probably find that the finish under the decals will be bright & shiny, whereas the rest of the trailer is probably a bit dulled (even if it has been regularly acid washed).  You will want to acid wash the whole (rear, I think you said?) side.  After that, you may even need to use something like "Mother's" metal polish (maybe someone else can chime in with a more suitable product.  You will almost definitely be able to see the outline of the decals.  Even after thouroughly polishing and cleaning, you may still see the outline, especially in bright sunlight.  You can get a satisfactory result, but it will take some elbow grease.


Good luck.

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