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New trailer negotiating.....dealers losing flooring.

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Last activity 2009-03-22 10:40 AM
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Reg. Mar 2009
Posted 2009-03-22 1:07 AM (#101892)
Subject: New trailer negotiating.....dealers losing flooring.


Posts: 15

Location: Glen Mills, PA
Does anyone know the markup on new trailers? What kind of room is there to negotiate on these? Is there any source of info to find out invoice like in the auto industry?

I was in the auto industry for several years and know how that works, but know nothing about the horse trailer biz. Maybe some ex-dealers or sales people can give some input. I know these guys need to make a profit, but I need to look out for myself!

Also, does anyone know of any dealers losing their floor plans who want to blow out some trailers? Trailer shopping today we spoke to a dealer who sold RV campers and trailers and lost his flooring on his truck campers. He was more than happy to show us the actual invoice on those and suggest offers to give to the flooring bank so they could get out of them without losing too much money. He gets a little kick back from the bank, so even if they lose money it is no skin off his back. I was hoping to possibly find the same deal with a horse trailer dealer.

Thanks for any info.

(This horse trailer shopping is a lot of work and not much fun!)
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Reg. Nov 2005
Posted 2009-03-22 10:40 AM (#101897 - in reply to #101892)
Subject: RE: New trailer negotiating.....dealers losing flooring.


Posts: 1283
Location: Home of Wild Turkey Whiskey
I bought a boat in January from a dealer that lost his floorplan. I ended up buying it from the floorplan company before they moved the inventory. I asked the rep. about the other boats and he said they would end up at dealers throughout the central US. I don't really know how you could find out about these in advance. I actually called the dealer about the boat, and he told me the floorplanning company was going to be coming to get it. I asked for their number and called them direct. They sold the boat to me for about $7K cheaper than the boat was listed for($30K). I don't think there is anyway to find out when these things happen though.
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