Posted 2008-11-17 6:36 PM (#95015 - in reply to #94664) Subject: RE: Cold Weather Clothes
Extreme Veteran
Posts: 420 Location: Florida
Now I am going to change the whole post because of this question.
I followed your fall link and saw all your other photos. Very nice.
I noticed that you are not using any fancy pads just a few Navajo blankets.
Do you ever have any issues with just the simple blanket?
I have worn the fur off of my qtr horse two years in a row right under the rear area of the saddle on each side of his spine. This year it grew in white. Very disapointing.
I have changed saddles and pads. I wanted to try the simple blanket but was concerned that the pad was better.
Posted 2008-11-17 11:03 PM (#95030 - in reply to #95015) Subject: RE: Cold Weather Clothes
Posts: 2453 Location: Northern Utah
I use a Dixie Midnight type of under pad under wool blankets. It's a 1/4" thick spun polimer material ( kinda like a real course brillo pad mad out of plastic.)
This type of underpad allows the sweat to run out from underneath, and lets some air move under the blanket to help keep the horses back cool.
When it gets dirty, I just hose down the dixie midnight pad or dunk it in the water tank and shake it out. My wool blankets stay cleaner longer. No matted hair, no crusty dried sweat.
Country Supply sells a knock off version that is cheaper than the Dixie Midnight, It's black vs being Blue. But they are the same thing. They come a little big and square and you just cut them to size with some sissors. They work for me on my horses. I hate wet saddle blankets that don't dry in the winter. I hate wet saddle blankets that add pounds of weight when they fill with sweat during the summer. My wife hates me washing dirty blankets in her washing machine. This solves those problems.