Posted 2008-06-20 4:44 AM (#86036 - in reply to #86030) Subject: RE: Drill Here, Drill Now, Pay Less
Posts: 1283
Location: Home of Wild Turkey Whiskey
Originally written by gard on 2008-06-19 10:28 PM
On tonight's news was a piece about ANWR. It stated that if Congress, which is now in session considering this proposal, approved drilling within the oil reserves today, it would take 10 (ten) years before any resulting production could be available for consumption.
How is this is going to immediately lessen our present costs?
#1 If Clinton hadn't stop them from drilling 11 years ago we would be seeing that oil now.
#2 The price of oil is not based on what's coming out of the ground today, it's speculative price based on what's going to be available in the "future" that's why it's called a "futures" market.
Posted 2008-06-20 6:36 AM (#86041 - in reply to #86036) Subject: RE: Drill Here, Drill Now, Pay Less
Extreme Veteran
Posts: 335
Location: Decatur, Texas
HW - I have to jump in here. It was George HW Bush who signed the bill into law in 1990, Clinton didn't come into the white house until January 1993. Yeah, I know I'm tilting heavily to the left because now I'm placing the blame on poor old Dubya's daddy. Do your homework!!!
Posted 2008-06-20 7:20 AM (#86044 - in reply to #86030) Subject: RE: Drill Here, Drill Now, Pay Less
Extreme Veteran
Posts: 406
Location: Minneapolis, MN
Originally written by gard on 2008-06-19 10:28 PM
On tonight's news was a piece about ANWR. It stated that if Congress, which is now in session considering this proposal, approved drilling within the oil reserves today, it would take 10 (ten) years before any resulting production could be available for consumption.
How is this is going to immediately lessen our present costs?
Living near a nuclear power plant is no big deal. Because "the not in my backyard folks" have objected to any new construction, the industry's growth has stalled. I wonder if energy starved people will now reconsider.
It will have an effect in the futures market.
The only reason the futures market, yes those nasty speculators, is trending upward is that they feel uncomfortable about future supply.
Same effect the futures market is having with corn at this very minute.
Posted 2008-06-20 8:37 AM (#86049 - in reply to #85966) Subject: RE: Drill Here, Drill Now, Pay Less
Posts: 5870
Location: western PA
It will be very interesting to see, if in fact Congress does reverse the ban on drilling in ANWR, how much the cost of gas drops. I'm willing to bet, that the futures market not withstanding, it will do little to effect the long term cost at the pump after the announcement. There may be a temporary spike, but our cost of gas will never be again, even close to its previous price.
We cannot drill ourselves out of more expensive energy costs, or expect them to magically go away, by trying to change the minds of speculators. We are in for some irrevocable, long term changes in our lifestyles, and all the protests to the contrary will have little affect.
Posted 2008-06-20 8:39 AM (#86050 - in reply to #85966) Subject: RE: Drill Here, Drill Now, Pay Less
Location: Where the wind comes sweepin' down the plain...
Just the threat of drilling will affect prices. And for those that say it will not hit the market for 10 years....what alternative can make the needed impact much sooner? The major oil companies are meeting in Iraq for the possibility of being able to go into Iraq again...prices come down. OPEC meets...reports say demand is down...they are going to increase production...prices come down. It is all just a political game that we are having to be a spectator in. In the mean time the Democrats and Republicans argue and accomplish....NOTHING!
As far as alternatives...we are years away on those also. There is not an alternative that will have an impact now. Every available option needs to be pursued relentlessly and that includes drilling.
We are the greatest country in the world, and the most that we can get done is argue about it. So far...we are still arguing and doing nothing. And we will continue to argue and any solution is still 10 years away.
Open up the leases and drill now, build nuclear energy plants, use clean burning coal technology, build wind farms on the coasts and in the plains, more hydro, more natural gas, more everything, but DO IT NOW!
Posted 2008-06-20 8:43 AM (#86051 - in reply to #86049) Subject: RE: Drill Here, Drill Now, Pay Less
Location: Where the wind comes sweepin' down the plain...
Gard - I am not asking for $1 gas, or even $2 gas. I would just be happy with it leveling off. Everyone has accepted the fact that cheap gas is over. It should have been a long time ago.
Posted 2008-06-20 8:51 AM (#86053 - in reply to #85966) Subject: RE: Drill Here, Drill Now, Pay Less
Posts: 192
Location: Hutto, TX
I want the car manufacturers to make cars that get better gas mileage. I had an early Civic hatchback and then later, a MX6 sports car that both got over 40 MPG on the highway and now I can't find anything except a hybrid that gets that. There's something wrong with this. I've been saying for several years that I would wait until there was a car I wanted and then buy it. I'm still waiting. Volvo and others are bringing over the car styles that they sell in Europe (I really like the C30 but the mileage is still low) so maybe there will be a change on that front in the next few years.
Also, China finally raised the price of fuel over there which should lessen their demand some.
Posted 2008-06-20 8:55 AM (#86055 - in reply to #86051) Subject: RE: Drill Here, Drill Now, Pay Less
Posts: 2615
Why? Would you say the same thing about food prices,that cheap food should have been over a long time ago,in order for farmers to make more profits? When it is clear that the middle man is the one that makes the profits,just as the oil companies that have reported such huge profits.I guess I don't get it.
Posted 2008-06-20 9:11 AM (#86059 - in reply to #86055) Subject: RE: Drill Here, Drill Now, Pay Less
Location: Where the wind comes sweepin' down the plain...
What I am saying is that percentages are in line. Just as they should be in any business making a profit. You have to make a certain percentage of profit for it to be reasonable. What everyone looks at is that so and so made 11 billion. What they don't look at is it took 110 billion worth of sales to do it. Is that a reasonable profit? If it was my money invested, I would say yes. It is only huge because of the dollar amount invested. If I only wanted to make...say 5%, I could put it in a safer market. Or I could have absolutely no risk and put it in a savings account and earn 3.5% If it was your money invested to make sales of 110 billion and you stood to lose your investment....what percentage would be fair for you?
Posted 2008-06-20 9:26 AM (#86062 - in reply to #86041) Subject: RE: Drill Here, Drill Now, Pay Less
Posts: 1283
Location: Home of Wild Turkey Whiskey
Originally written by Longrider on 2008-06-20 6:36 AM
HW - I have to jump in here. It was George HW Bush who signed the bill into law in 1990, Clinton didn't come into the white house until January 1993. Yeah, I know I'm tilting heavily to the left because now I'm placing the blame on poor old Dubya's daddy. Do your homework!!!
Posted 2008-06-20 9:37 AM (#86064 - in reply to #86053) Subject: RE: Drill Here, Drill Now, Pay Less
Posts: 2957
Location: North Carolina
Originally written by KeepsakeFarm on 2008-06-20 7:51 AM
I want the car manufacturers to make cars that get better gas mileage.
KSF ... The only thing that keeps Ford, GM et al, from selling great small cars in America is US. WE would rather buy the SUV. The big three have competed in Europe's small car market for generations. But WE BUY massive gas guzzlers. The Japanese have an advantage as their markets are totally small cars. They had to adapt their designs to our want. Meaning that Toyota builds a larger car for the US market.
Posted 2008-06-20 10:15 AM (#86067 - in reply to #86050) Subject: RE: Drill Here, Drill Now, Pay Less
Posts: 54
Location: Danielsville,Ga.
Originally written by Tresvolte on 2008-06-20 8:39 AM
Just the threat of drilling will affect prices. And for those that say it will not hit the market for 10 years....what alternative can make the needed impact much sooner? The major oil companies are meeting in Iraq for the possibility of being able to go into Iraq again...prices come down. OPEC meets...reports say demand is down...they are going to increase production...prices come down. It is all just a political game that we are having to be a spectator in. In the mean time the Democrats and Republicans argue and accomplish....NOTHING!
As far as alternatives...we are years away on those also. There is not an alternative that will have an impact now.Every available option needs to be pursued relentlessly and that includes drilling.
We are the greatest country in the world, and the most that we can get done is argue about it.So far...we are still arguing and doing nothing. And we will continue to argue and any solution is still 10 years away.
Open up the leases and drill now,build nuclear energy plants, use clean burning coal technology, build wind farms on the coasts and in the plains, more hydro, more natural gas, more everything, but DO IT NOW!
The citizens get it,but the politicans are like crabs in a barrel,they rip and claw and pull each other apart so that no one succeeds,and the citizens continue to suffer,because of this gridlock.most of the politicians in D. C. or worthless as a pile of rat-droppings.
Posted 2008-06-20 10:40 AM (#86068 - in reply to #86049) Subject: RE: Drill Here, Drill Now, Pay Less
Posts: 1723
Location: michigan
Originally written by gard on 2008-06-20 8:37 AM
It will be very interesting to see, if in fact Congress does reverse the ban on drilling in ANWR, how much the cost of gas drops. I'm willing to bet, that the futures market not withstanding, it will do little to effect the long term cost at the pump after the announcement. There may be a temporary spike, but our cost of gas will never be again, even close to its previous price.
We cannot drill ourselves out of more expensive energy costs, or expect them to magically go away, by trying to change the minds of speculators. We are in for some irrevocable, long term changes in our lifestyles, and all the protests to the contrary will have little affect.
Of course we can drill ourselves out of this just as well go ourselves into this by NOT drilling!! We are America for gosh sakes- we invented higher standards of living by doing what other nations didn't,couldn't or wouldn't. We bulit the dams,highways,cities,airports,schools, name it-we are who we are because we took a long term approach to raising the standard of living for everyone. Now we have a serious problem brought on by people who don't want the problem solved- namely gutless, cowardly liberals ( and far too many republicans) who love a crisis since it gives them power- to tax and regulate but not to solve a problem.
Enivornmentalist have gotten it wrong everytime they proclaim yet another impending disaster, their track record is terrible yet there are some who still buy into their crap.
Lets review-1969, environmentalist Nigel Calder warned, "The threat of a new ice age must now stand alongside nuclear war as a likely source of wholesale death and misery for mankind."
C.C. Wallen of the World Meteorological Organization said, "The cooling since 1940 has been large enough and consistent enough that it will not soon be reversed."
In 1968, Professor Paul Ehrlich, Vice President Gore's hero and mentor, predicted there would be a major food shortage in the U.S. and "in the 1970s ... hundreds of millions of people are going to starve to death." Ehrlich forecasted that 65 million Americans would die of starvation between 1980 and 1989, and by 1999 the U.S. population would have declined to 22.6 million. Ehrlich's predictions about England were gloomier: "If I were a gambler, I would take even money that England will not exist in the year 2000."
In 1972, a report was written for the Club of Rome warning the world would run out of gold by 1981, mercury and silver by 1985, tin by 1987 and petroleum, copper, lead and natural gas by 1992. Gordon Taylor, in his 1970 book "The Doomsday Book," said Americans were using 50 percent of the world's resources and "by 2000 they [Americans] will, if permitted, be using all of them." In 1975, the Environmental Fund took out full-page ads warning, "The World as we know it will likely be ruined by the year 2000."
Ok- do you get it yet? We are not running out of oil...we need to go get it. We can solve this problem, we just have get started....
Posted 2008-06-20 2:06 PM (#86081 - in reply to #86053) Subject: RE: Drill Here, Drill Now, Pay Less
Extreme Veteran
Posts: 406
Location: Minneapolis, MN
Originally written by KeepsakeFarm on 2008-06-20 8:51 AM
I want the car manufacturers to make cars that get better gas mileage. I had an early Civic hatchback and then later, a MX6 sports car that both got over 40 MPG on the highway and now I can't find anything except a hybrid that gets that. There's something wrong with this.
One thing people have forgotten about is this. There is a cost of regulation.
Think about our beloved diesel fuel. EPA has mandated that diesel have no more than 15 parts per million of sulfur.
Why was the standard lowered? Because of fine particulate pollution.....soot. As somebody referenced on this site previously, it doesn't cost too awful much to get diesel below 500ppm, not much to get to 100ppm....but it costs $$$ to get below 15ppm.
Posted 2008-06-20 3:36 PM (#86085 - in reply to #86031) Subject: RE: Drill Here, Drill Now, Pay Less
Posts: 3853
Location: Vermont
Originally written by hosspuller on 2008-06-19 11:30 PM
Originally written by PaulChristenson on 2008-06-19 8:17 PM
Environmental arguments aside, here are the dirty little secrets no one talks about with regard to domestic drilling.
Oil companies have not utilized the leases they have now
Why open up new areas to drilling when oil companies hold over 4,000 undeveloped leases in the western Gulf of Mexico? What’s more, the government already leases 44 million acres offshore, of which only 10.5 million—or one quarter—are producing oil or gas.
A poor reason against more leases. Not all holes produce oil. Of the holes that produce oil, not all produce in commercial quantities. A hole has to produce a lot of oil or gas to make a production rig profitable.
In my old home town, people would drill gas wells. If they were lucky, their well would produce enough gas for a home. But the wells were not profitable enough for a commercial well.
There isn't enough drilling equipment.
Due to the high price of oil, existing drilling ships are “booked solid for the next five years,” and demand for deepwater rigs has driven up the price of such ships. Oil companies just don't have the resources to explore oil fields in the OCS.
Not enough equipment or oil today. Tomorrow's incremental addition is still an additional resource. Thinking in the short term got us in this squeeze.
We can't refine the oil we would extract.
In his speech yesterday, President Bush noted that, “Refineries are the critical link between crude oil and the gasoline and diesel fuel that drivers put in their tanks.” Yet refineries are already so stretched that last year, the United States had to import almost 150 million barrels of gasoline. The Wall Street Journal reported oil companies are not building new refineries because it would be bad for their bottom line. “Building a new refinery from scratch, Exxon believes, would be bad for long-term business.”
Oil is fungible. It can be refined anywhere and product transported if the costs allow a profit. Additional supply will go to meeting demand. The argument that Alaska's oil goes to the far east is a similar red herring. So what... Canada's oil goes to the refineries in North Dakota and then to the west coast.
Drill here, drill now. Build nuke plants. Mine tar sands. Gasify Coal. Build wind farms off the coast of NE, Research other energy. Let the risk takers take the risks in hopes of getting rich. Gov't has a terrible record of failure. Do we want to repeat the Russian experiance?
Do it all now!
They are mining coal tar in Canada...the break-even price is over $44/bbl...i.e. is oil sells for less than that it is not economical to do it...
Nuclear power has never recovered from Three Mile Island...Everyone now says go nuclear...right up until they discover they want to build the plan in their area...
Air emissions from IGCC gasification plants are far below U.S. Clean Air Standards. Sulfur removal and emissions of sulfur dioxide, NOX and carbon monoxide are far below normal coal fired power plants, incinerators, combustors and most other gasifiers. However, they still contribute significantly to the "greenhouse effect" because all the gases they emit are new greenhouse gases.
I have heard elsewhere that people want a "Manhatten Project" effort on this problem...The very people who ask for this have NO CLUE as to what the TOTAL COST of the ORIGINAL MAHATTEN PROJECT WAS!!!...$5.00/gallon gas is cheap in comparison......The SUPERFUND SITES in WA and CO are still being paid for by the US Government and will be for QUITE A LONG TIME
Unfortunately, The only legitimate short term solution is CONSERVATION...
Posted 2008-06-20 3:39 PM (#86087 - in reply to #86062) Subject: RE: Drill Here, Drill Now, Pay Less
Posts: 3853
Location: Vermont
Originally written by HWBar on 2008-06-20 10:26 AM
Originally written by Longrider on 2008-06-20 6:36 AM
HW - I have to jump in here. It was George HW Bush who signed the bill into law in 1990, Clinton didn't come into the white house until January 1993. Yeah, I know I'm tilting heavily to the left because now I'm placing the blame on poor old Dubya's daddy. Do your homework!!!
You really need to quit reading that George Zoros left wing babble.
For the average case, drilling in ANWR would reduce crude oil by 75 cents, out of a current $130, in 2025. This amounts to about a 0.5% change. The total production from ANWAR would be, in 2024, approximately 1% of the United States needs.
Posted 2008-06-20 3:49 PM (#86088 - in reply to #86064) Subject: RE: Drill Here, Drill Now, Pay Less
Posts: 3853
Location: Vermont
Originally written by hosspuller on 2008-06-20 10:37 AM
Originally written by KeepsakeFarm on 2008-06-20 7:51 AM
I want the car manufacturers to make cars that get better gas mileage.
KSF ... The only thing that keeps Ford, GM et al, from selling great small cars in America is US. WE would rather buy the SUV. The big three have competed in Europe's small car market for generations. But WE BUY massive gas guzzlers. The Japanese have an advantage as their markets are totally small cars. They had to adapt their designs to our want. Meaning that Toyota builds a larger car for the US market.
Posted 2008-06-20 4:29 PM (#86091 - in reply to #85966) Subject: RE: Drill Here, Drill Now, Pay Less
Posts: 99
Drill here, drill now makes the most sense to me when I consider that if we increase by 1 million barrels per day (the number everyone is talking about ) at $125 per barrel. That keeps about $45 Billion home and out of the hands of people who just don't like us. this would help with the value of the dollar and further bring down the price of fuel. Along with the cost of gas and diesel, I am looking at fuel oil this winter of about $5,000.00 ( 1,000 gallons @ $5.00 per)for the season. This amounts to 5 times ten years ago. Before you start I have new high tech windows and max insulation in my roof. I am having a guy out this summer to check out the walls. Be mad at the oil companies for making profits but the government tax us at 3 times that ammount.
Posted 2008-06-20 7:08 PM (#86093 - in reply to #85966) Subject: RE: Drill Here, Drill Now, Pay Less
Elite Veteran
Posts: 1069
Location: MI.
Anyone care to join me for a beautiful cyber glass of Merlot?
I understand the frustration with gas prices.......but sometimes we need to relax and enjoy the moment........I'm going to take a deep breath and take an evening walk down to the pastures and watch my horses graze while the sun sets. Humbling........
Posted 2008-06-20 8:31 PM (#86096 - in reply to #86065) Subject: RE: Drill Here, Drill Now, Pay Less
Posts: 26
Location: mt. juliet, tennessee
Bush 1 signed the bill to ban off shore drilling and Clinton signed the bill to do no drilling in ANWR Thats the story and i am sticking to it...........