Yvette ... I would not consider these verifiable sources. There are no links presented. (except to theyoungturks.com)
"The Young Turks" is the anti-Rush Limbaugh show. It is an entertainment. Rush says he's an entertainer. I would just as well watch a Mickey Mouse cartoon for information on rodent control as use the links you've posted.
"Goofy" is an apt description of these sources.
You're really scaring me ...with your voting opinions formed from false thinking
Posted 2008-10-15 7:49 AM (#93075 - in reply to #92467) Subject: RE: Whatta Mess ! and how did we get in this basket?
Location: KY
Hi Hosspuller
As my ol Pappy used to day, you can't believe something just because it is in the newspaper (now that should be updated; just because it is on the 'net)
Posted 2008-10-15 9:32 AM (#93078 - in reply to #93075) Subject: RE: Whatta Mess ! and how did we get in this basket?
Posts: 2957
Location: North Carolina
Originally written by rose on 2008-10-15 6:11 AM
Hi Hosspuller
As my ol Pappy used to day, you can't believe something just because it is in the newspaper (now that should be updated; just because it is on the 'net)
Thank you Rose... For the supporting remark... That's exactly the reason I 've asked Yvette or anyone else for verifiable sites suggesting USA supplied chem weapons to Iraq.
Posted 2008-10-15 9:34 AM (#93079 - in reply to #92467) Subject: RE: Whatta Mess ! and how did we get in this basket?
Posts: 250
Location: AL
According to Wikipedia Obama lived in Hawaii until the age of 8 and then moved to Indonesia where he stayed until graduating from high school. The 10 years that he was there he was exposed to the Islamic faith and the ways of Islam.
Just fyi.
I don't trust Obama. I don't know that his allegiance is to this country at all. With John McCain, I know that he is loyal to America and has put his blood, sweat and tears on the line for America. That goes a long way in my book. Also his morals and beliefs are more in line with mine, and that is very important to me.
McCain is not Bush and shouldn't be compared to him.
Just because they are from the same party doesn't mean that they can't have different ways of running this country. I know that McCain disagreed with Bush many times.
Our country is in a Big mess. Whoever is elected has a tough road ahead!!
Posted 2008-10-15 9:47 AM (#93080 - in reply to #92467) Subject: RE: Whatta Mess ! and how did we get in this basket?
Posts: 2957
Location: North Carolina
Back to the original post...
More "crap" is bubbling up! Now the taxpayer is on the line for someone's shiny new car. This I can't abide. I've always driven either old cars or kept the new vehicle until the wheels fell off. (A lot of my experience, shared here, comes from working with broken cars)
It is so unfair! ... that somebody gets a new car at your and my expense.
Posted 2008-10-15 10:18 AM (#93084 - in reply to #92467) Subject: RE: Whatta Mess ! and how did we get in this basket?
Posts: 3802
Location: Rocky Mount N.C.
stablemom... (Quote) According to Wikipedia.... Be careful what you read and believe over on that site. Anyone can go over there and edit, add or delete sentences or phrases. You can make it what ever you want it to be until someone else comes along and changes it..... Not alot of policing on there.
hoss.... All the banking crooks are coming out of the woodwork with their hands held out.... They're all sitting around like a bunch of baby birds in their nest waiting for Uncle Sam to pitch on the nest and puke up some cash to fatten their bellies!!!
Posted 2008-10-15 11:38 AM (#93089 - in reply to #93088) Subject: RE: Whatta Mess ! and how did we get in this basket?
Posts: 3802
Location: Rocky Mount N.C.
Originally written by stablemom on 2008-10-15 12:12 PM
So retento, where do you get factual information on the internet or is there such a thing????
I get my "factual info" from......The old guys sitting around the spitune or the tin heater at the "Jacks" country store.... More fact there than fiction and much more "colorful" to boot!!
for your own unclassified documents at George Washington University.http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/NSAEBB/NSAEBB82/#docs
Obama shouldn't frighten anyone. He is an American, born in America that loves America. He really does.
I served in the US Air Force during Desert Storm and fully supported the action. I was all for going to Baghdad then, but Bush Sr, Cheney, et al didn't think it was a good idea, because they didn't have a viable exit plan. OK, maybe because it was too close to their buddy, buddy days with Saddam. I said I understood why Saddam was upset that Kuwait was stealing oil from him, but never understood why he thought he could just invade Kuwait, a UN country, without consequences. As for our invasion several years ago, there was no real reason to invade Iraq except to get rid of an oil competitor that was not going with their price fixing program.
What does frighten me is the the Right's hate and fear spewing Machine, and BTW why I won't listen to your misinformed fear drivel is I don't do fear well. I caught some of an AM band radio show on the way home last night that was so off the wall with blatant lies and truth twists it's hard to believe anyone would believe anything coming out of his fear mongering mouth.( Not Rush this time) I know people do listen, because someone I would have never expected to hear such a thing from actually said, "Obama is an ignorant N-----!" Where the hell did that come from? And why would he think that was a good thing to say to me? :-/ More important Obama isn't an ignorant anything and certainly not that word. He grew up at his grandparents in Hawaii, hello. Went to college and did very well there.
Is Obama a politician, sure, but he has shown that his interests are for the majority not just the top 10 percent or the fearful Americans that would have followed Hitler into fascism if it meant they could walk around saying they are superior just cause.
Best advice I can give no matter who wins is find where their interests lie and buy stock. I so wish I had money when Bush the draft dodger got elected, because, duh, no brainer about oil.
Search for your own unclassified documents at George Washington
Best advice I can give no matter who wins is find where their interests lie and buy stock. I so wish I had money when Bush the draft dodger got elected, because, duh, no brainer about oil.
Yvette ... Thanks for that first link. It proves my point. Iraq has purchased Chemical weapon capability.
You keep saying America gave Iraq Chem weapons. All your verifiable links say NOT. They DO say Saddam tried to produce chem weapons himself. I don't understand how you can understand the exact opposite of your own evidence. The US Gov't didn't give him any Chem weapons. With the fraud ridden "oil for food" program money, Saddam bought anything and anybody he could. With enough money, anything can be bought. Even a Nuke.
The current effort is to stop the sale and purchase of weapons to kill American cities.
AS for the hate and lies you write about, look at your own posts. They are full of opinion and speculation made up to be fact.
Posted 2008-10-15 2:32 PM (#93109 - in reply to #92467) Subject: RE: Whatta Mess ! and how did we get in this basket?
Extreme Veteran
Posts: 316
Location: Illinois
Before you thank me too much you may want to copy and paste the other links and do a little more reading. No hate from me.
edited to add the timeline from the first video those links came from. Mores the point that while publicly condemning Saddam, Rumsfield was being chummy with him.
From: CapitalistHolocaustAdded: June 27, 2008(more info)(less info)Want to Subscribe?Sign in to YouTube now!Sign in with your Google Account!Declassified U.S. Documents show that American offic...Declassified U.S. Documents show that American officials KNEW that Saddam was USING CHEMICAL WEAPONS AGAINST THE KURDS & the Iranians, but decided to support Saddam anyway...first in secret, then formal relations were restored in November 1984.
Not only that, they secretly okayed shipments of CHEMICAL PRECURSORS TO IRAQ andinstructed the American UN Delegate to garner support from the Western Countries for a motion of 'NO DECISION' on a draft UN Resolution to condemn Iraqi use of Chemical Weapons...or failing that to ABSTAIN (& EFFECTIVELY VETO THE RESOLUTION) !!!!
A United States Declassified Document from Nov 1, 1983 states:
"We have recently received additional information confirming Iraqi use of Chemical Weapons."
"in order to maintain the credibility of US policy on CW," it would be a good idea to mention these measure to Iraq in an effort to "reduce or halt, what now appears to be Iraq's almost daily use of CW"
In December 1983 Donald Rumsfeld (in full knowledge that Iraq was using chemical weapons on a daily basis & had gassed the Kurds) met & shook hands with Saddam:
Rumsfeld has since claimed he mentioned US dissatisfaction with Iraqis use of Chemical Weapons at the meeting - HOWEVER - there are no mentions in the detailed notes of the meeting:
On March 4, 1984, a Dept of State Cable from George P.Shultz to the U.S. Interests Section in Iraq shows that a shipment of 22,000 pounds of phosphorous fluoride being sent to Iraq via Europe was being held back pending further advice;
It requests the interests section advises the Iraq Ministry of Foreign Affairs that;
"We anticipate making a public condemnation of Iraqi use of Chemical Weapons in the near future"
On Iraqi use of U.S. chemicals to make CW:
"When we become aware of attempts to do so, we will act to prevent their export to Iraq."
(Something the American's know fine well that Saddam is doing)
The Iranians drafted a UN Resolution condemning Iraqi use of Chemical Weapons.
The Dept. of State sent a cable to the Mission to the European Office of the UN instructing the U.S. delegate to;
"work to develop general Western position in support of a motion to take 'No Decision' on Iranian draft resolution on use of chemical weapons by Iraq."
Failing to get support for such a motion, the U.S. "should abstain" (effectively vetoing the resolution).
**********************************Reagan took Saddam off list of States sponsoring Terror:
THE WORLD IN SUMMARY; Readjustments In the MideastNew York TimesFebruary 28, 1982
"Apparently without consulting Congress, the Administration has quietly dropped Iraq, a virulent foe of Israel, from a list of countries barred from receiving American weapons because they 'have repeatedly supported acts of international terrorism'.''
Remembering the Dead: Reagan Armed Iraq and Iran in 1980s War That Killed Over 1 MillionDemocracy NowJune 09, 2004
"First on Hussein's shopping list was helicopters—he bought 60 Hughes helicopters and trainers with little notice. However, a second order of 10 twin-engine Bell "Huey" helicopters, like those used to carry combat troops in Vietnam, prompted congressional opposition in August, 1983... Nonetheless, the sale was approved."
"In 1988, Saddam's forces allegedly attacked Kurdish civilians with poisonous gas from Iraqi helicopters and planes. U.S. intelligence sources told The LA Times in 1991, they "believe that the American-built helicopters were among those dropping the deadly bombs."
Posted 2008-10-15 3:08 PM (#93110 - in reply to #92467) Subject: RE: Whatta Mess ! and how did we get in this basket?
Posts: 3802
Location: Rocky Mount N.C.
Any of you see this yesterday? He says he's going to "spread the wealth around". Did he really mean that? Why would anyone want to keep working (Making $250.000+ a year, gross) just for it to be taken away and given to someone to sit on his ass on the front porch too lazy to count the cars passing by. McCain better hit the floor tonight breathing fire, look him straight in the eye and ask him to interpret that statement!! Sounds alot like "SOCIALISM"
Posted 2008-10-15 6:11 PM (#93112 - in reply to #93110) Subject: RE: Whatta Mess ! and how did we get in this basket?
Extreme Veteran
Posts: 316
Location: Illinois
LOL Fox News. Yes I saw it. I also noticed they blocked out anything Barack actually said, even before going to the commentary. Anyway, weren't you all just saying not to believe everything you read or see in the news?
Posted 2008-10-15 6:47 PM (#93115 - in reply to #92467) Subject: RE: Whatta Mess ! and how did we get in this basket?
Posts: 296
Location: Tennessee
This is overly simplistic, but for the heck of it, let's hypothetically assume that the US is to blame for arming thuggish dictators like Saddam. Let's also assume that, in retrospect, it's clear that we screwed up doing this. Big time.
Assuming this hypothetical, which choice is more ethical? Sit on our hands while the thug continues to brutalize his own citizenry with impunity and destabilize the entire region by clandestinely funding terrorists? Or do something to clean up the mess we "created"?
If you give a friend a rifle because he says coyotes are eating his chickens, then find out he's shooting people with the gun instead, do you just stand and watch while he does it, just because it's "your fault" for giving him the gun?
Posted 2008-10-15 7:33 PM (#93119 - in reply to #93057) Subject: RE: Whatta Mess ! and how did we get in this basket?
Extreme Veteran
Posts: 522
Location: Tucumcari NM
I am not anti-government. I am anti- stupid. And I sure as Heck don't want my brothers having to face the weapons that our government is so freely distributing. As previously noted, governments and regimes change constantly. Who we support today may be who we are fighting tomorrow. Let's not give them the weapons with which to kick our butt. I also do not defend dictatorships, but as usual you put your own spin on whatever is posted. It is impossible to have a meaningful debate with someone such as yourself, so I admit defeat and gracefully exit the field.
Posted 2008-10-15 8:02 PM (#93124 - in reply to #92467) Subject: RE: Whatta Mess ! and how did we get in this basket?
Extreme Veteran
Posts: 522
Location: Tucumcari NM
Hosspuller, Each of these websites does indeed provide info on the US involvement. If you go to the site and click on search, them type in "chemical weapons Iraq" you will find the information. www.iranchamber.com has a timeline of events, including the dates of approval by the US Congress for shipment of biological agents and equipment to Iraq.
Posted 2008-10-15 9:05 PM (#93126 - in reply to #92467) Subject: RE: Whatta Mess ! and how did we get in this basket?
Posts: 92
Well, it certainly has been busy in here!
I am currently recording the final presidential debate to watch later when my hungry husband has been fed. I find it refreshing to listen to the candidates speaking their own words. I must say I have ZERO respect for anyone who bases his/her entire opinion of either candidate on other people's out-of-context cutting and pasting of the candidate's words. If the people who are so fond of filling everyone's email boxes with poorly-written, badly-researched editorializing have not watched any of the presidential debates or visited the candidates' own web sites, shame on them.
After the debate I plan to go check up on both candidates at:
Posted 2008-10-15 11:34 PM (#93130 - in reply to #93124) Subject: RE: Whatta Mess ! and how did we get in this basket?
Posts: 2957
Location: North Carolina
Originally written by Marla on 2008-10-15 6:02 AM
Hosspuller, Each of these websites does indeed provide info on the US involvement. If you go to the site and click on search, them type in "chemical weapons Iraq" you will find the information. http://www.iranchamber.com/ has a timeline of events, including the dates of approval by the US Congress for shipment of biological agents and equipment to Iraq.
Marla ... The Iranchamber.com is an Iran based site. Would you consider that their quotes are cherry picked? From that article's own preamble .."What follows is an accurate chronology of United States involvement in the arming of Iraq during the Iraq-Iran war 1980-88."
So the Iranians are complaining about America arming Iraq in the war against Iran.
Seems the American shipment of chemicals is cited byRiegle Report: Dual Use Exports. Senate Committee on Banking. May 25, 1994
Dual use is Multi use. There are many uses of everything. None of the sources cited say a chem weapon was supplied by America.
Do the Iranians complain about the British support? They have British Chieftain tanks. see #31 in the pictures of the Iran-Iraq war.
I suspect the iranchamber.com is biased if not outright Iranian propaganda.
Posted 2008-10-15 11:41 PM (#93131 - in reply to #92467) Subject: RE: Whatta Mess ! and how did we get in this basket?
Posts: 2957
Location: North Carolina
On line polls are "Crap" too ...
Don't believe them...
I gotta credit the Obama campaign with some smart leverage of their base.
This is an example of their tactics...
Dear MoveOn member,
The third and final presidential debate just ended! Quick public response to prior debates led reporters to an obvious conclusion: Obama won, and he looked most presidential.
This time, it's especially important to drive that point home. All John McCain had were mean-spirited and misleading attacks. We need to show the media that people aren't buying McCain's politics of distraction—we want a leader who can deliver real change, and that leader is Barack Obama.
If you watched tonight's debate, can you let your opinion be heard by voting in the below online polls?
Thanks for all you do.
–Adam G., Nita, Noah, Joan, and the rest of the team
Posted 2008-10-15 11:51 PM (#93132 - in reply to #92467) Subject: RE: Whatta Mess ! and how did we get in this basket?
Posts: 92
Just to be completely accurate ... MoveOn.org is not part of the Obama campaign. MoveOn.org has been around for a long time - ten years, I believe - long before most people had ever heard of Obama.
"Paid for by MoveOn.org Political Action, http://pol.moveon.org/. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.
MoveOn.org Civic Action is a 501(c)(4) organization which primarily focuses on nonpartisan education and advocacy on important national issues. MoveOn.org Political Action is a federal political committee which primarily helps members elect candidates who reflect our values through a variety of activities aimed at influencing the outcome of the next election. MoveOn.org Political Action and MoveOn.org Civic Action are separate organizations."
Posted 2008-10-16 12:59 AM (#93134 - in reply to #93110) Subject: RE: Whatta Mess ! and how did we get in this basket?
Posts: 38
Location: Western Washington
Most of the "small business owners" I know are Inc, LLC, etc and pay themselves and/or their families a pittance (minimum wage) to offset their profits. Let's just get down to the root of this, if you will, and say many older white voters don't want a black man as our president. I mean really, it's the ultimate insult to their way of life and how they were brought up. A black manin the White House?! Say it aint so! Phrase it as "he's a muslim" (farm babe), cite his middle name, say we don't "know enough about him" and he "pals around with terrorists", whatever makes ya feel less racist. I want the best person for the job, the guy who's going to try to create more jobs in the United States and get the economy out of the toilet. I'm currently unemployed now and wondering when I'll find a job that will pay the bills. I don't give a shit who voted for what bill in 2000whatever. Let's fix the mess we're in now.
Posted 2008-10-16 5:20 AM (#93136 - in reply to #93119) Subject: RE: Whatta Mess ! and how did we get in this basket?
Posts: 1283
Location: Home of Wild Turkey Whiskey
Originally written by Marla on 2008-10-15 7:33 PM
I am not anti-government. I am anti- stupid..............
Who we support today may be who we are fighting tomorrow. Let's not give them the weapons with which to kick our butt.
I say there isn't anyone in the world that can "kick our butts" no matter where their weapons come from, if we would just let our boys fight. But instead they have to fight a media-driven politicaly correct war. Our boys have to go knock on a door and ask politely if the bad guy is in the house. I say blow the damn house up, then see if the bad guy was in there. That's when you will start getting some cooperation from those people.
Posted 2008-10-16 5:56 AM (#93137 - in reply to #93132) Subject: RE: Whatta Mess ! and how did we get in this basket?
Posts: 296
Location: Tennessee
Originally written by FrancaV on 2008-10-15 11:51 PM
Just to be completely accurate ... MoveOn.org is not part of the Obama campaign. MoveOn.org has been around for a long time - ten years, I believe - long before most people had ever heard of Obama.
This statement's a bit of a red herring. Sure, MoveOn.org is a 501c and not legally affiliated with the Obama campaign, but they ARE campaigning for Obama.