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Hold onto your wallets/checkbooks

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Reg. Dec 2004
Posted 2005-08-29 9:47 PM (#29741)
Subject: Hold onto your wallets/checkbooks


Posts: 67
Location: Central Ky.

My g/f just called,she'd stopped at a convenience store on her way to work and was told gas/fuel prices are going to jump 30-40 cents because of this hurricane,supposedly tomorrow morning.


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Painted Horse
Reg. May 2005
Posted 2005-08-29 10:11 PM (#29742 - in reply to #29741)
Subject: RE: Hold onto your wallets/checkbooks


Posts: 2453
Location: Northern Utah
The evening news reported a new high for crude oil. The storm has affected the heart of the US Oil production - hence the higher price for crude. Any time crude goes up the pump will follow. They were predicting up a 30 cent increase based upon the new high for crude oil.

But if it shows up tomorrow morning that is just price gouging by the gas stations as the supply has not processed and delivered the crude at the new price yet.
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Reg. Nov 2003
Posted 2005-08-29 11:21 PM (#29747 - in reply to #29741)
Subject: RE: Hold onto your wallets/checkbooks


Posts: 1723
Location: michigan
Prices flucuate even if the crude has not been processed and delivered. They can change several times a day. The price of crude is what oil companies ( who cannot produce enough to meet demands, so they must buy it) pay, thus they are recouping costs in gasoline/fuel sales.
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Reg. Oct 2003
Posted 2005-08-30 2:35 AM (#29749 - in reply to #29741)
Subject: RE: Hold onto your wallets/checkbooks

Elite Veteran

Posts: 1160
Location: Denver Colorado
I'm bidding on a nuclear power plant on E-bay. I knew I should have completed the vegetable waste oil diesel converter article. None of the magazines wanted it though. I'm starting to chart where all the Chinese restaurants are in Colorado. That's what I'll do, write a national directory for Chinese and Mexican restaurants, with instructions on getting in the alley to the waste oil tanks.
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Reg. Oct 2003
Posted 2005-08-30 7:21 AM (#29751 - in reply to #29749)
Subject: RE: Hold onto your wallets/checkbooks


Posts: 2689
I'm patenting and marketing a waste wood shavings and manure burner.
It can accept some hay. I already have local stables mapped out.
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Reg. Feb 2004
Posted 2005-08-30 11:57 AM (#29764 - in reply to #29741)
Subject: RE: Hold onto your wallets/checkbooks

Location: KY
Save gas, ride or drive a horse!
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Reg. Oct 2003
Posted 2005-08-30 12:52 PM (#29771 - in reply to #29741)
Subject: RE: Hold onto your wallets/checkbooks


Posts: 2958
Location: North Carolina

Regular gas in central NC just jumped $0.15 or 6% in the last hours around Noon.

Shoulda filled the dooley's empty tank yesterday...40 gallons


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Reg. May 2004
Posted 2005-08-30 1:13 PM (#29775 - in reply to #29771)
Subject: RE: Hold onto your wallets/checkbooks

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 524
Location: Lone Oak, Tx
Talk about price gouging. They will use any damn excuse to raise fuel prices higher. I'll bet the next excuse will be ... "Oh it's winter time and theres a shortage of heating oil so we'll have to raise diesel prices". WHAT A CROCK!!!! Mean while, oil companies post billion dollar profits and yet our wonderful president sits back and reaps the rewards. And no, I did not vote for him.

Safe Riding,
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Reg. Oct 2003
Posted 2005-08-30 2:53 PM (#29783 - in reply to #29775)
Subject: RE: Hold onto your wallets/checkbooks


Posts: 2958
Location: North Carolina

Originally written by maccwall on 2005-08-30 12:13 PM

Talk about price gouging. They will use any damn excuse to raise fuel prices higher. I'll bet the next excuse will be ... "Oh it's winter time and theres a shortage of heating oil so we'll have to raise diesel prices". WHAT A CROCK!!!! Mean while, oil companies post billion dollar profits and yet our wonderful president sits back and reaps the rewards. And no, I did not vote for him. Safe Riding, Todd

Todd .. I disagree with your assesment  If the oil companies were making such profits, their stock would be a lot higher.  Sure, their profit is higher than before.  The oil companys make slightly more money with a higher price. It's called margin.  Still...I think the major money is going to the producers.  After all, the oil in the ground didn't change. 

As for the storm damage causing the oil spike.  The higher prices are being balanced by the cost of storm damage and the time cost of shuttered refineries.  I don't believe the oil companies are getting a big shot of profit in that balance.

I would rather choose to pay or not pay for gas than not be able to get gas at all ... (the consequence of price controls)


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Reg. Feb 2004
Posted 2005-08-30 3:11 PM (#29784 - in reply to #29741)
Subject: RE: Hold onto your wallets/checkbooks


Posts: 62
Location: Western Wisconsin

So my question is - Are you cutting back on any of your driving, either daily or horse related?  Being a frugal one income family, I've already passed on hauling to a couple of shows, and we've cut back on trail-riding plans for this fall.  I am also curious as to whether we'll be seeing more "larger" used trailers on the market as or if people downsize.  I certainly hope these increased fuel cost are not going to become the norm.



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Reg. May 2005
Posted 2005-08-30 3:26 PM (#29786 - in reply to #29741)
Subject: RE: Hold onto your wallets/checkbooks


Posts: 93
Location: Northwest Indiana

My dad work for Citgo for 24 years then retired.  He is now getting calls from companies to come back to work for companies that are wanting to expand production.  Thats the reason for the price,  we have all the oil we need we can't refine it quick enough to get to market.  Unfortunately trying to expand a facility now adays is next to impossible because of all the legal/environmental concerns that are present.  Yeah taking care of the environment is a good thing, but if we want fuel for 1.50 a gallon then realize that refineries will have to expand.

Go to your public meetings and listen to the nonsense arguments that people come up with against such expansions.  Well duh if you buy a house next to a refinery it will smell bad in that area.

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Reg. Nov 2003
Posted 2005-08-30 3:51 PM (#29787 - in reply to #29741)
Subject: RE: Hold onto your wallets/checkbooks


Posts: 1723
Location: michigan

I have not changed any show plans for the rest of the year. But next- I doubt I'll do out of state shows. but thats the way it is, when things get expensive, we have to make a choice. ground beef or steak? Chicken or pork? health insurance or not? new car or used- we face these choices all the time.



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Reg. Oct 2003
Posted 2005-08-30 8:41 PM (#29809 - in reply to #29741)
Subject: RE: Hold onto your wallets/checkbooks

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 565
Location: Michigan

Unleaded just jumped from $2.74/gallon to $2.99 in a matter of two days. These are painful numbers to swallow and hard enough to see when the numbers on the pump rise. Yeah it plain sucks, I am sick of it, but we are in a real bad time right now, just have to go with it. I sometimes question the rest of my show season as far as traveling but I figure, that I can control how money leaves my wallet in other ways, like less shopping at The Gap.

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Painted Horse
Reg. May 2005
Posted 2005-08-31 8:29 AM (#29820 - in reply to #29741)
Subject: RE: Hold onto your wallets/checkbooks


Posts: 2453
Location: Northern Utah
To put this in perspective. They reviewed this on TV this morning and said it would increase about $250 per yer to the cost of owning an average car.

But they said home heating this winter would jump $750.00 per home.

Let's see, 3 vehicles around my house = $750 + the home at $750 I just lost $1500 this year. Guess I better tell the wife to stock up on Mac & Cheese, no budget left for dinning out.
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Reg. Nov 2003
Posted 2005-08-31 1:03 PM (#29828 - in reply to #29741)
Subject: RE: Hold onto your wallets/checkbooks


Posts: 1723
Location: michigan
PH- I'd suggest that if you're losing $1500 a year and now must eat mac and cheese, you have some serious finanical problems. What if your health insurance/home insurance/life insurance goes up? Bread and water?
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Reg. Apr 2004
Posted 2005-08-31 2:35 PM (#29834 - in reply to #29741)
Subject: RE: Hold onto your wallets/checkbooks


Posts: 202
Location: North Texas

How much do you pay for bottled water?  Does that bother you?

There hasn't been a new refinery built in 25-30 years.  Any idea how much more demand for gasoline/diesel/fuel oil there is now? 

Anyone want to make an educated comparison of gasoline prices 20-30 years ago vs today (ADJUSTED FOR INFLATION)?

Any state legislatures willing to lower the massive taxes on road fuels?

Anyone willing to open up more parts of Alaska for drilling?

Come on now . . . is it really ALL the fault of the big bad oil companies?

I sure don't think so . . . but then again I'm not a big conspiracy buff




Edited by arroyoseccofarm 2005-08-31 2:42 PM
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Reg. Oct 2003
Posted 2005-08-31 4:22 PM (#29839 - in reply to #29741)
Subject: RE: Hold onto your wallets/checkbooks

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 565
Location: Michigan

It's the "sticker shock" that is getting everyone all wound up over gas prices. A gallon of gas going up 50-60cents in a matter of days? That is the problem people are having. If prices went up that much over a few years time, there would be less complaining.

I say quit your whining about how much it is costing you to fill up your vehicle and take a good look at what is happening down south right now. These people have nothing. It is quite humbling to say the least.

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Reg. Nov 2003
Posted 2005-08-31 4:49 PM (#29843 - in reply to #29741)
Subject: RE: Hold onto your wallets/checkbooks


Posts: 1723
Location: michigan
Amen Mibabe
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Reg. Nov 2004
Posted 2005-08-31 5:55 PM (#29845 - in reply to #29741)
Subject: RE: Hold onto your wallets/checkbooks


Posts: 105
Location: Illinois
 Thanks mibabe, you hit the nail on the head. We have trucks/cars to put gas in. MANY in the South have NOTHING!
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Reg. Dec 2004
Posted 2005-08-31 6:16 PM (#29846 - in reply to #29741)
Subject: RE: Hold onto your wallets/checkbooks


Posts: 67
Location: Central Ky.

We are very fortunate,they're expecting the death toll to be around a thousand.

I just witnessed a girl put $92.00 in a Chevy Surburban and she'd put $16.00 in it about 15 miles earlier.



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Reg. Nov 2004
Posted 2005-09-01 11:24 AM (#29871 - in reply to #29741)
Subject: RE: Hold onto your wallets/checkbooks


Posts: 127
Location: Fort Worth, Texas

What really irritates me is the fact that retailers use this horrible event to artificially inflate prices. Some people were on the radio this morning talking about how the hotel they were staying in raised prices after there were there for 2 days just because the knew they would be at full capacity. What a crock !!! If anything, they should give these people a discount because of the situation they are in. With their hotel at full capacity, that should actually decrease the price of the room, not increase it.

It was also reported last night that the amount of oil in the US will not change because of Katrina and Congress is insensed at the fact retailers are raising prices.......up to $1.00 a gallon increase in some areas. Louisiana produces approximately 40% of all US oil and only 25% of the refineries have been affected. That's about 10% of the total US Refineries. The remaining refineries in the US have agreed to increase their production to help make up for the loss. In addition, the US Government will release reserves to make up the difference. Therefore, there SHOULD NOT be any cost increase. Will someone please tell the retailers they need to be looking at what THEY can do to help the victims and not gouge the rest of us as they laugh all the way to the bank. I wouldn't have a problem with it if they all agreed to take the extra profits and donate them to help the victims of Katrina but I assure you, they have no intention of that.

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Reg. May 2004
Posted 2005-09-01 1:06 PM (#29874 - in reply to #29871)
Subject: RE: Hold onto your wallets/checkbooks

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 524
Location: Lone Oak, Tx
I saw a picture this morning of a gas station in Georgia, not sure where, gas was at $5.87 for regular and $6.07 for super. Nope, they aren't gouging prices. Thank you for the report about the refineries Champ. I rest my case. Already found a spot out back of my work for a corral. I'm going to have a hell of an endurance horse when I start riding her to work. :)

Safe Riding,

Edited by maccwall 2005-09-01 1:08 PM
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Reg. Oct 2003
Posted 2005-09-01 2:09 PM (#29882 - in reply to #29871)
Subject: RE: Hold onto your wallets/checkbooks


Posts: 2958
Location: North Carolina
Originally written by Champhorse on 2005-09-01 10:24 AM

It was also reported last night that the amount of oil in the US will not change because of Katrina and Congress is insensed at the fact retailers are raising prices.......up to $1.00 a gallon increase in some areas. Louisiana produces approximately 40% of all US oil and only 25% of the refineries have been affected. That's about 10% of the total US Refineries. The remaining refineries in the US have agreed to increase their production to help make up for the loss. In addition, the US Government will release reserves to make up the difference. Therefore, there SHOULD NOT be any cost increase. Will someone please tell the retailers they need to be looking at what THEY can do to help the victims and not gouge the rest of us as they laugh all the way to the bank. I wouldn't have a problem with it if they all agreed to take the extra profits and donate them to help the victims of Katrina but I assure you, they have no intention of that.

Champ ... I don't agree with your assessment.    The problem is not oil supply, it is refinery capacity. We need gasoline, not crude oil in our cars.  Releasing oil from the Strategic reserve doesn't really help.  It's PR to soothe the ignorant masses.  Although it might depress crude prices a bit for a moment. 

The refineries are operating at about maximum capacity.  Where did you get that the remaining refineries agreed to increase their production?  "US demand has exceeded US crude oil distillation capacity every year since 1985"  This is from the Dep't of Energy  http://www.eia.doe.gov/pub/pdf/feature/lidder3.pdf

There is no extra capacity.  That's why the prices are rising.  Supply and demand.  Somewhere in the ocean, a tanker (No..several tankers) of gasoline are getting the command to divert to the US because the price is higher than at the original destination.  It wll take several days to get here and several days to get to your favorite gas station.  The price will drop then...  The free market works better than any system, yet devised by man, to adapt to change.  Be careful of what you ask for.  If Gov't acts, it will only to muck it up. 

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Reg. Nov 2004
Posted 2005-09-01 3:07 PM (#29885 - in reply to #29741)
Subject: RE: Hold onto your wallets/checkbooks


Posts: 127
Location: Fort Worth, Texas

I'm just repeating what was televised last night on the NBC news. It was a State Representative to Congress who provided the information.

I do agree that demand does control prices to a certain extent as does supply. However, the end product we see at the gas stations should not be affected by the crude oil prices until that final product, gasoline, reaches the gas stations. I would understand it if crude oil prices rose this week and 2 months from now when the gasoline from that crude oil reached the gas stations, the gas price increased to reflect the increased crude price. However, that is not the case. They did not pay inflated prices for the gas they owned but yet increased their prices to the consumer.....all in the name of increased profits. It's all about Cost of Goods and markup and their COG's have not seen an increase but their markup certainly has. If crude oil prices fall $10.00 a barrel next week, do you think they would drop the prices comparably? NOPE. You also can't tell me that supply and demand have doubled in the past year to justify the price per gallon doubling. I can't think of anything that has doubled in price in the past 12 months.

Lastly, how can anyone justify the variance in price from $5.67 in Atlanta, GA to $3.69 in Chicago? How can anyone justify one Shell station at $2.99 and another one less than a mile away at $2.74? Different gas.....I don't think so. Different markup, BINGO. Unfortunately the retailers have the option to dictate prices in their area regardless of the cost and they are using the hurricane as an immediate excuse to raise prices and increase their profits. I don't agree with it just as I don't agree with hotel owners raising their prices for the hurricane victims.

These are my own opinions..........and you know what they say about opinions.

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Reg. May 2005
Posted 2005-09-01 3:58 PM (#29891 - in reply to #29885)
Subject: RE: Hold onto your wallets/checkbooks


Posts: 93
Location: Northwest Indiana

For every gallon we pump into our vehicles that gallon must be replaced in the service station tank.  If the station has to pay a higher price to replace that gallon that you just bought.  Then they have to charge you more to stay in busineess. 

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