Hi all- I have a 2009 Kingston BP trailer with an aluminum roof. It began leaking a bit last year and I foolishly used silicone caulking to try and fix it. (Naturally, that did not last.)
I need to remove the silicone and re-caulk the seams on top, but am not sure what to use in lieu of the silicone. I’m planning on calling the manufacturer tomorrow but would like to get recommendations in case I can’t get ahold of the main shop guy.
Unfortunately I don’t have a photo of the roof but can show the interior - the leaks are coming from the center seam and cross joints (where the aluminum roof ”sheets” are riveted down, if that makes any sense).
Posted 2019-06-20 1:12 PM (#172451 - in reply to #172447) Subject: RE: Re-sealing/caulking roof seams
Posts: 233 Location: Pataskala, Ohio
I did the same thing with my LQ. I used a plastic tool they sell in the plumbing department to remove caulk to take me error out. I got the right stuff from an RV dealer, stuff made for RV’s.
Posted 2019-06-20 5:58 PM (#172452 - in reply to #172447) Subject: RE: Re-sealing/caulking roof seams
Posts: 2958 Location: North Carolina
I posted this August 2013 The trailer roof is still leak free today. (June 2019)
Sikaflex caulk has been used twice on my 1999 trailer. Once by Sundowner and once by me. Seems like the caulk on the roof/rail seam lasts about 6 years. And My trailer is under shelter when not in use!
This year I'm trying something different. Eterna bond roof tape. After removing the existing caulk with a wire cup brush in a side grinder, 2 inch wide tape was applied over the seam & rivet heads. I used a caster wheel to press the tape on. Rolling the tape applied more pressure than hand alone. (easy on the hand too) The tape was a lot easier to handle and apply than the caulk. LESS MESS.
If I had it to do over, I would have used 3 inch tape. Not so critical in placement to cover the rivet heads & seam.
I'll see how long this lasts... Eterna bond says 15 years!
Posted 2019-06-21 11:11 AM (#172454 - in reply to #172447) Subject: RE: Re-sealing/caulking roof seams
Elite Veteran
Posts: 804 Location: Tenn/Ala.
ThHe tape works well. As far as caulk, most manufacturers use Sika or Manus. Both are a non hardening poly type caulk that works well, but does not play well long term with UV. Given your roof's design, it may be more attractive than tape since you'll see it over the edges.
Posted 2019-06-22 3:32 AM (#172455 - in reply to #172447) Subject: RE: Re-sealing/caulking roof seams
Posts: 5870 Location: western PA
The last roofs we sealed were coated with elastomeric coatings. It's easy to apply, has lasted several years now, being outdoors 24-7, and if necessary, can be touched up with little effort. Large areas are easily coated using a roller, tight areas can be applied with a brush.. To add additional coatings or touch up an area, the base is cleaned with a brush, soap and water, and new material is painted over the old.
Posted 2021-06-12 7:21 AM (#173757 - in reply to #172447) Subject: RE: Re-sealing/caulking roof seams
New User
Posts: 1
Dicor self-leveling lap sealant is my choice. This sealer appealed to me since it can attach to practically any material found on an RV. Even if your car has a rubber (EPDM) roof, it might still stick to it efficiently. It may also be used on aluminum, wood, vinyl, and even galvanized metals.
Posted 2021-06-12 3:58 PM (#173758 - in reply to #172451) Subject: RE: Re-sealing/caulking roof seams
Posts: 2958 Location: North Carolina
I posted this August 2013 The trailer roof is still leak free today. (June 2019)
Sikaflex caulk has been used twice on my 1999 trailer. Once by Sundowner and once by me. Seems like the caulk on the roof/rail seam lasts about 6 years. And My trailer is under shelter when not in use!
This year I'm trying something different. Eterna bond roof tape. After removing the existing caulk with a wire cup brush in a side grinder, 2 inch wide tape was applied over the seam & rivet heads. I used a caster wheel to press the tape on. Rolling the tape applied more pressure than hand alone. (easy on the hand too) The tape was a lot easier to handle and apply than the caulk. LESS MESS.
If I had it to do over, I would have used 3 inch tape. Not so critical in placement to cover the rivet heads & seam.
I'll see how long this lasts... Eterna bond says 15 years!
Update: Today is mid June 2021. The trailer roof is still leak free over 8 years later.
Posted 2021-07-14 4:39 AM (#174609 - in reply to #173758) Subject: RE: Re-sealing/caulking roof seams
New User
Posts: 1
Newbie here--- we just purchased an 06 Exiss and there are slight drips around the seams on the roof all the way back. When I checked the eternatape website there are so many options - any guidance would be appreciated.
Also can the tape be used around vents in the roof? They seem to be dripping as well. Thanks for the help- this is our first aluminum trailer and it needs some TLC