Posted 2008-08-09 7:17 AM (#89362) Subject: Which one would they buy?!!
Posts: 3802 Location: Rocky Mount N.C.
If either John Sidney McCain III or Barack Hussein Obama II were President and they had to go out and pick out a horse trailer for this country... What type of horse trailer would each of them pick? This trailer is not for themselve, but for the people of this country of which they serve. Would it be a simple 2 horse, stock, steel bumper pull like alot of us already have. OR.... Would it be some gi-mongous LQ trailer with 4 slides, that you couldn't even get in and out of your driveway and need a Class 8 road tractor to pull it. Or would it be something in between, like that of which alot of us already have. You don't have to name a brand, that would only start a pissing contest.
Posted 2008-08-09 7:58 AM (#89363 - in reply to #89362) Subject: RE: Which one would they buy?!!
Posts: 1283 Location: Home of Wild Turkey Whiskey
I think Barrack Hussein Obama would have an European Union Built Bamboo Trailer, the process of making steel and aluminum leaves a very large carbon footprint so the choice of those two metals would be out. It would be held together by a bunch of Mexicans from the inside. It would have to be union built due to his stance on unions, the latest being that the union bosses should be able to come to your home and discuss you joining or not. It wouln't have any turn signals, that way you wouldn't know what "change" was coming next. Two reason it wouldn't be built in America 1. He thinks the European way of thinking is superior. 2. There won't be any American Manufacturers after he implements all his new "programs" and the trailer manufacturers get the tax bills to pay for said "programs". His trailer would have a Muslim owners manual, probley hidden somewhere in the walls, not out in the open where it would be noticable. It would have a CD player playing Barbara Striesand music. It would have a God Da*m Rev. Wright is my buddy bumper sticker. Of course it would be towed by a french poodle, sure it's not the right tow vehicle but it would appease the French. Also you would never see this trailer coming into a show, you would always see it retreating/leaving.
John Sidney McCains trailer would be an American Made steel bumper pull trailer painted red white and blue, probley a little rusty in the corners, possibly with a few bullet holes in it. It would be rolling on American tires, and be pulled by an American truck, with Gen. Patton driving. Open the rear doors and you guessed it, it would be full of beer and Hooter girls. It would have an 8 track player blasting out "Cowboy" by Kid Rock. John's trailer would have a bumper sticker of Calvin Pissing on a diaper head. It would also always be seen storming into the show sideways, with a french poodle caught up in the wheelwell.
Posted 2008-08-10 8:04 PM (#89444 - in reply to #89362) Subject: RE: Which one would they buy?!!
Posts: 235 Location: Bucksport, Maine
That was right on target, HWB! I happen to agree, and that's the only reason I'm not takin' a stab at it myself. (Yeah right. No way I could beat that. That thar WAS funny!)
Posted 2008-08-13 7:47 AM (#89629 - in reply to #89362) Subject: RE: Which one would they buy?!!
Posts: 1283 Location: Home of Wild Turkey Whiskey
After both candidates had time to read this thread they have both contacted me with request they would like to have on their trailers.
Barrack Hussien Obama has requested that we put some fancy white lace around the roof line of his trailer and cover the Rev. Wright Sticker with a Hillary 08' Sticker, as he is beginning to understand that working white women "ain'ta gonna vote for him" he also would like everyone to know that allthough his trailer was imported that he is "against free trade sometimes maybe" he also added that the french poodle got ran over by a rouge horse trailer the other day and he has replaced it with some transgender topless dancers from Nancy Pelosi's district.
John Sidney McCain also had some changes, he said "I can't believe you forgot about the bullhorns on the nose" and the "chrome bull b*lls hanging from the back" he said not to worry about Hillary she's been having an affair with Cheney and Bill has been dating some topless dancers that Barrack and Nancy Pelosi introduced him to.
Posted 2008-08-13 10:42 AM (#89642 - in reply to #89362) Subject: RE: Which one would they buy?!!
Posts: 150 Location: Farmville, VA
What happend to Johns camo gun rack? And I really think the trailer should be an old Gore or Miley? Matter of fact, my 'ol Gore was Red, white and a little rust! Saddle racks under the manger. Boy, I sure miss growing up in the 70's! LOL!
Posted 2008-08-13 11:50 AM (#89650 - in reply to #89642) Subject: RE: Which one would they buy?!!
Posts: 3802 Location: Rocky Mount N.C.
Originally written by barntoys4mom on 2008-08-13 11:42 AM
What happend to Johns camo gun rack? And I really think the trailer should be an old Gore or Miley? Matter of fact, my 'ol Gore was Red, white and a little rust! Saddle racks under the manger. Boy, I sure miss growing up in the 70's! LOL!
Will this work?!! I had one just like it except it was black.... It even had the same Ford F-100 hub caps!! Pulled it with a 1982 S-10, with the 1500# payload package......I should be dead!!
Posted 2008-08-13 1:30 PM (#89659 - in reply to #89362) Subject: RE: Which one would they buy?!!
Posts: 150 Location: Farmville, VA
Yep! Thats the one! We must have had the same rigs! I have great memories of my Dad and I going to shows in this set up and he remembered each show by how good the food was! And with what else all american, but with a POA and a yellow horse that wouldn't load ~ ever! LOL
Now, John just needs the people who posted a 2 w/lq a few months ago to help him with his paint job! They really did a number on hers. Something about "Kick A_ _" on it? Too fun!
Posted 2008-08-14 6:43 AM (#89683 - in reply to #89362) Subject: RE: Which one would they buy?!!
Extreme Veteran
Posts: 335 Location: Decatur, Texas
Ol' John would come crashing through the gates with his Canadian made trailer, tires from China, rims from India, trailer wiring by KBR (bbbbzzzzztttt) with a bumper sticker proudly proclaiming, "I got mine you poor working class sucker." A bottle of Heineken in hand and a Kinky Friedman cigar jutting out of his mouth. He would be driving a truck assembled in Mexico filled with Pemex fuel. All because the manufacturing jobs have been shipped out of America. But not to worry, the lobbyists have paid for everything he owns. The LQ has an autographed picture of Nixon by the door with a statement that has been halfway rubbed out at the bottom stating "I am not a crook." There would be lots of mirrors on the walls, doors, and ceiling so he can light up his cigar and exhale smoke for his smoke and mirrors exhibition that follows. Huge bundles of cash inside with large denomination bills provided by the FDIC to pass out to all of his banking and Wall Street cronies and buddies since they're falling on hard times due to their ineptness in running businesses without corruption, greed, and federal regulation. Dubya and Dickie would be riding in the horse compartment popping caps out of the drop down windows at the thousands of whiners who have lost their jobs. But Dubya is wearing a bullet proof vest because he knows how old Dickie boy shoots. Dubya would be shouting "Iraq - Love it or Leave it" as he chugalugs his Dom Perignon. And for all of the poor spectators who got in the way of John Boy's rig and were ran over, John throws BandAids out of a box just to show them that he really is concerned about affordable health care for all Americans. BUT- those old brakes wired up by KBR don't work even though they were paid billions of bucks and the entire rig is headed down the path enroute to a major train wreck.
Posted 2008-08-14 8:41 AM (#89689 - in reply to #89683) Subject: RE: Which one would they buy?!!
Location: Texas
I don't know Longrider, pretty feeble attempt to respond to HCW's wit and wisdom. I guess reflective of what we have to come to expect from "L's". Comparing yours' to HCW's is like comparing the faint, flickering glimmer of a fire fly's a$$ to the great golden hue of the Texas summer sun.