Posted 2005-10-19 9:36 AM (#31984) Subject: American West Slant Load - experiences?
Posts: 17
Location: North Carolina
I'm looking for my first horse trailer. I want a straight load, ramp, bumper pull. Extra's would be nice. I have read the book from the Equispirit folks, but can't afford them. In anyevent I have found a new American West trailer that is 7' tall, 7' wide slant load step up. It has a small dressing room and a 25 gal water tank up front. It is kind of stock trailer set up in the horse area with plexiglass slides to close it in if needed. weight about 3000+ lbs. I have a 2003 Expedition, 5.4 engine, with a class 4 hitch and the big tow package rated up to 8900lbs. Does anyone have any experience with these trailers? I don't like the slant load, but my horse is just 16hh. I would mostly be on my own, and this trailer has the option of turning both horses to come out head first, or setting the partition against the wall (clamped) and having an open box which seems pretty nice. Not much padding but reasonable price (around 7K) Thoughts/opinions?
Posted 2005-10-19 7:13 PM (#32029 - in reply to #31984) Subject: RE: American West Slant Load - experiences?
Posts: 1416 Location: sc
never heard of american west? american spirit, trails west? anyhow sounds like that would be a fine set up to me. what are your horses used to? slant/straight, ramp/step up?
i personally dont consider turning around and steping out head first an option....i consider it a saftey feature. i dont generally walk down stairs backward, why would i ask my horse, with 8 feet of body behind him, to do so? they, of course, are trained to back out but it is not common practice for us.