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new eventing rules

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Last activity 2008-05-23 7:01 AM
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Reg. Jan 2007
Posted 2008-05-22 2:06 PM (#84481)
Subject: new eventing rules


Posts: 294
Location: Fort Worth, Tx

I just got an email stating some new rules for eventing...copied and pasted for your enjoyment and edification...

Effective Immediately: the first fall of competitor, at obstacles, on the Cross-Country Course will result in Elimination. 


1) EV141.1 (b) Cross-Country Scoring
       b. Falls -
       (1) First fall of competitor 65 penalties Elimination
       (2) First fall of horse Mandatory retirement
       (3) Second fall of competitor Elimination

Subsequent changes were made to the following Eventing Rules as a result of the change to EV141.1 (b):
EV138.9 Cross-Country Rules-Authorized Assistance
The change removes reference to assisting riders in remounting after a fall at obstacle.
EV142.3 (b) Cross-Country - Definition of Faults-Circles
The change removes reference to riders having sustained a fall as they will no longer be allowed to continue.
EV142.5 Cross-Country - Definition of Faults-Additional Attempts at Obstacles Composed of Several Elements.
The change removes reference to riders having sustained a fall as they will no longer be allowed to continue.

2) EV112.1 (a) & (b) Medical Requirements-Accidents Involving Competitors
a. In the event of an accident in which a competitor is apparently injured or concussed, they must be examined by designated medical personnel to determine if they may take part in another test, ride another horse or if they are capable of leaving the grounds. Refusal to be examined shall be penalized by a fine of $100 (Payable to the Organizing Committee) at the discretion of the Ground Jury. EC 5/19/08 Effective immediately

b. If such a fall occurs during the cross-country test, the time during which the competitor is held and examined shall be recorded and deducted from his total time if he is permitted to continue.

3) EV140.8 Cross-Country Obstacles

8.Obstacles constructed after December 1, 2008, for which approved frangible technology is appropriate, shall be constructed using this technology. Obstacles constructed prior to December 1, 2008 and for which the use of approved frangible technology is appropriate shall be retrofit using this technology prior to December 1, 2009. All open oxers at the Training level and above must be constructed using Approved Frangible technology. Information on the appropriate applications of Frangible Technology in cross-country fence construction is available in the USEA Cross-Country Obstacle Design Guidelines. Frangible Technology may be installed only by or under the supervision of Course Designers/course builders who have attended a USEA Seminar on Frangible fence construction.
EC 5/19/08 Effective immediately

The USEF and USEA are also currently in the process of developing the rules for a 'red card system' to penalize dangerous riding.

These rule changes reflect action items in a letter from USEF President David O'Connor and USEA President Kevin Baumgardner written on April 29, 2008. A copy of that letter can be viewed at: http://www.usef.org/_IFrames/newsdisplay/viewpr.aspx?id=3054.

The USEF and the USEA are constantly committed to the safety and welfare of riders, horses and the sport of Eventing. Making the sport safer is a constantly evolving process. In the April 29th letter, the USEF and USEA also announced a joint Safety Summit to be held on June 7-8 in Lexington, KY.


Contact Information of the Sender
United States Eventing Association
Old Waterford Road, NW
Leesburg, VA 20176

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Reg. Feb 2006
Posted 2008-05-22 10:57 PM (#84523 - in reply to #84481)
Subject: RE: new eventing rules


Posts: 1877
Location: NY

Ok let me get this straight if you fall you are out, if you fall and get hurt the doctor or medical person we tell you that you are out do I have it right???

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Reg. Jan 2007
Posted 2008-05-23 2:30 AM (#84529 - in reply to #84523)
Subject: RE: new eventing rules


Posts: 3853
Location: Vermont
Originally written by loveduffy on 2008-05-22 11:57 PM

Ok let me get this straight if you fall you are out, if you fall and get hurt the doctor or medical person we tell you that you are out do I have it right???

Or even if you can leave under your own power

2) EV112.1 (a) & (b) Medical Requirements-Accidents Involving Competitors
a. In the event of an accident in which a competitor is apparently injured or concussed, they must be examined by designated medical personnel to determine if they may take part in another test, ride another horse or if they are capable of leaving the grounds. Refusal to be examined shall be penalized by a fine of $100 (Payable to the Organizing Committee) at the discretion of the Ground Jury. EC 5/19/08 Effective immediately

What is interesting is the way the above rule is written...You can allow yourself to be examined and then ignore the medical personnel's advice and leave the grounds and they CAN'T penalize you the $100...

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Reg. Jul 2006
Posted 2008-05-23 7:01 AM (#84538 - in reply to #84481)
Subject: RE: new eventing rules


Posts: 282
Location: southcentral pennsylvania

It has been a record year in eventing, both for horse deaths and rider deaths/injuries. After Lexington in April, the horse deaths for the season was 9, if memory serves me correctly. The frangible construction of fences came about as the result of a safety summit held in Denmark a few months back. Another safety summit is planned.


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