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Last activity 2008-06-08 11:57 PM
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Reg. Dec 2007
Posted 2008-06-04 9:32 PM (#85231 - in reply to #83223)
Subject: RE: colic


Posts: 97
Location: Newport News, VA
When my filly had hock surgery last year, she had to have stall confinement for 30 days.  Fortunately, my barn has a stall that the wall moves to make a double stall, so she was able to be in a 12 x 24 stall.  After the first month, she was able to have "limited, small paddock turnout".  My vet had suggested putting panels inside one of the round pens to make it square inside, so she couldn't run around and around.  The double stall, also, had a door to the outside, so the barn owner had a a paddock (she had intended on putting one out there all along, just hadn't gotten around to it) built outside the stall, before her confinement was up,so no one would have to move her from stall to turnout and risk her getting loose.  I was the ONLY one who handled her for her two months of confinement.  She was amazingly good, but I wasn't taking any chances on her getting away from someone and wrecking those, now, very expensive hocks.  It was, also, about 12 x 24, with a fence about 6 feet high.  I thought it would be no big deal, as the paddock was no bigger than her stall, but she managed to go out there and do quite a bit of crazy stuff, cantering, kicking, and spinning around.  I was VERY glad to have the 6 foot fence, when she appeared to be measuring the fence a couple of times, trying to decide if she could go over.  I think if there had been any more room for her to get a running start, she would have gone over the fence.
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Reg. Dec 2005
Posted 2008-06-04 10:18 PM (#85232 - in reply to #83223)
Subject: RE: colic


Posts: 1205
Location: Danielsville Georgia
Our TWH stud has a 10X24 stall with a 24X24 run-out and he manages to canter rather well in it,not to mention slides,roll-backs,"airs" above the ground and all sorts of things you don't expect in a space that small! Something that size should be a gracious plenty for healing hocks.
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Reg. Jan 2004
Posted 2008-06-04 10:38 PM (#85234 - in reply to #83223)
Subject: RE: colic


Posts: 2828
Location: Southern New Mexico
I guess for now I'll move her to her dams stall and open it to the next one so she has a 10x22 stall. 
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Reg. Jan 2004
Posted 2008-06-08 11:57 PM (#85416 - in reply to #83223)
Subject: RE: colic


Posts: 2828
Location: Southern New Mexico

     We had a gas problem this morning.  I went out to feed and she ignored me.  She was laying down and looking at her belly so I called the vet and surgeon, got answering services for both as it is Sunday.  Neither one called me back!!   I took her temp and it was normal but since no one called me back I gave her a dose of banamine, the amount I was told to give for fevers and took her out of her stall to keep her from getting cast if she rolled.  We walked over to "her" rolling spot, she rolled for a minute got up passed lots of gas and went in search of her feed bucket.  I wasn't sure if it was the "release of gas" or the banamine starting to kick in so I didn't feed her.  She isn't pooping quite as much as she was last week but she is going.  She is being fed every 6 hrs with 2 piles in between feedings, now just one pile between most feedings (piles are about same size/consistency as before).   We just increased her alfalfa/cut back on the number of times a day she is fed so I wonder if that was the problem.  Or part of it.  I didn't feed the AM feeding but I fed her at noon and I soaked her alfalfa (the "before" amount) and added salt to her Sr feed to make sure she is drinking.  She is peeing and the manure is wet and she is acting normal tonight. 

     When I took her out for her afternoon walk she was almost unmanageable.  I ended up using my daughters gelding to pony her because he doesn't put up with nonsense and settled her down.   That and he's stronger than me.    She started acting up and he turned and looked at her for a second, twitched his tail and she started behaving.  I wish I knew what he said to her.  I've got a 12 yr old girl that needs that same speech!!




Edited by Terri 2008-06-08 11:59 PM
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