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Help me buy my first gooseneck!!!

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Reg. Aug 2004
Posted 2006-01-10 1:27 PM (#35250)
Subject: Help me buy my first gooseneck!!!


Posts: 198
Location: Iowa
I'm looking for a 3H slant gooseneck. Doesn't matter much if the dressing room is finished or not. I would like it to be 18 x6'8' x 7' tall

I keep changing my mind. I have thought about buying a new one (really like the Exiss ES300 all aluminum or the Titan Avalanche Steel). But on the other hand, that's a lot of money, and I really don't know yet how much I will actually use it to go camping, etc. Up to now, we have only gone camping once or twice a year, and the rest of the time have just ridden local trails...so a bumper pull was just fine. But now the girls are getting older, so we MAY (a big if) go camping more.

Anyway, a moderately priced ($10-15K) new trailer is one option. But that would involve payments! (Yuk!)

My second option would be cash--no payments (Yay!!!) I found a 1993 Corn Pro up the road with stock sides, just repainted, good axles, brakes, bearings, and with the dressing room carpeted and paneled, plus an AC run in from under the gooseneck pan. It's a decent (nothing great) trailer that I can get for $3500. Floor in it is very solid, does not have a rear tack, but could put saddle racks up in dressing room. It's not my dream trailer, but it sure might make a good starter...and I could probably sell it in a year or so and get pretty much what I paid for it. I would lsay as far as bargains go...it's a darn good one. Also, it is not quite as wide or high as I really want--it is 18' x 6'W x 6'6" tall. My horses would fit just fine though...none are real big or tall. Oh...it also has an RV camper door with a screen (which I like), and is wired for 12V and 110...so it's set up pretty decent for camping...I would probably put an awning on it which would cost another $800 or so. The attractive part of this option is if we didn't do that much camping, I wouldn't take much of a financial hit...and I could always upgrade.

I'm torn...what would you do? Thanks for any advice from you experienced horse trailer people who, I'm guessing, have been through all this before!!

Edited by Flooper 2006-01-10 2:30 PM
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Reg. Oct 2005
Posted 2006-01-10 1:37 PM (#35252 - in reply to #35250)
Subject: RE: Help me buy my first gooseneck!!!


Posts: 47





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Reg. Nov 2003
Posted 2006-01-10 1:49 PM (#35253 - in reply to #35250)
Subject: RE: Help me buy my first gooseneck!!!


Posts: 1723
Location: michigan

If the used trailer fits your budget and has what you need for what your planning to do- then it sounds like a good buy. New trailers are very expensive so always shop used. Resale might take a hit, after all, it was used when you bought it and unless you are really good at cleaning,polishing,waxing and fixing each and everything, trailers will loose value.

If your not sure or wish there was a thing or two you really wanted, then pass. There are alot of trailers out there. I figure if I am going to spend the banks money, I want to be totally happy with what I brough home, not wishing later I would have gotten something else. Make those monthly payments easier for me to write.



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Reg. Nov 2004
Posted 2006-01-10 2:31 PM (#35254 - in reply to #35250)
Subject: RE: Help me buy my first gooseneck!!!

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 560
Location: Mena, AR
>Also, it is not quite as wide or high as I really want--it is 18' x 6'W x 6'6" tall.

I would actually go put your horses in this trailer. I think you will find that it a tight fit for the horses.

Buying a horse trailer is kinda like buying a house. You should buy the very most you can afford, or you will be wanting to move too soon. ;-)

Happy trailer shopping,
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Reg. Jan 2006
Posted 2006-01-10 3:11 PM (#35259 - in reply to #35250)
Subject: RE: Help me buy my first gooseneck!!!

New User

Posts: 1

Location: Charlottesville, VA

Teaching people how to buy a trailer and pick the right tow vehicle  or vice versa is what we do. Feel free to call us and we will give you more advice than you thought you needed. We are horse people selling horse trailers -Speak to any of us, Donna, Tinker or Erin

Donna Martin  434-985-4151


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Reg. Oct 2003
Posted 2006-01-10 3:40 PM (#35260 - in reply to #35250)
Subject: RE: Help me buy my first gooseneck!!!


Posts: 1719
Location: PA
I always prefer paying cash.  I don't like any debt.  But I do think you might be able to find something that is a bit newer for the same price.
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Reg. Oct 2003
Posted 2006-01-10 5:13 PM (#35267 - in reply to #35250)
Subject: RE: Help me buy my first gooseneck!!!


Posts: 121
Location: MO
I would pass simply because of the height. It makes resale harder. Plus, even if it's been repainted it will not look great in a year if it has to sit outside. Inexpensive paint was probably used.

I'd look around a little bit more.

Been there; done that.
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Reg. Oct 2005
Posted 2006-01-10 5:37 PM (#35269 - in reply to #35250)
Subject: RE: Help me buy my first gooseneck!!!


Posts: 47
The two worse things about steel trailers are there heavy and they rust! The worst thing about a used trailer is you never know if you aquiring someone elses problems. That said, its hard to turn down a good deal on a used one. With a new one you get the full warranty and you know what you have and where its been.
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Reg. Oct 2003
Posted 2006-01-10 9:02 PM (#35282 - in reply to #35250)
Subject: RE: Help me buy my first gooseneck!!!


Posts: 2958
Location: North Carolina

Flooper ... I didn't commit to horse camping at first either.  Spent $3500 on a steel GN that was 10 years old when I got it.  Kept it for another 10 years before upgrading. 

Debt is bad...  If one is in a hole, Stop digging!  Better, is not getting into the hole!

Another cost reducer is the awning.  I bought an Eze-up free standing awning.  For less than $100 bucks at Sam's, it's been great.  Even better in some ways than a permanently installed awning.  Being able to set it up other places beside on the trailer has been very useful.  Even used it without the horse trailer.

Do a search in the camp and trail forum on awning.  I got a lot of good advice there.


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Reg. Nov 2003
Posted 2006-01-11 4:34 AM (#35286 - in reply to #35250)
Subject: RE: Help me buy my first gooseneck!!!


Posts: 1723
Location: michigan

Debt,in itself, isn't bad. Its how you manage it. Buying everything cash is great but hardly pratical. I got a good rate from the dealer and can manage the payments ( I even add to them each month paying off the load faster) Of course, if I ran up a bunch of debt by buying stuff I can't afford, now are talking problems.



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Reg. Aug 2004
Posted 2006-01-11 8:59 AM (#35308 - in reply to #35250)
Subject: RE: Help me buy my first gooseneck!!!


Posts: 198
Location: Iowa
Thanks everyone for the great advice. You have really helped me think this through. I have decided to go the used route (thanks for some great "been there, done that" advice hosspuller), but I am going to hold off on the Corn Pro. I have the next three months to look hard for that "super-duper, can't pass it up" deal, and there is no reason to jump on something right now. So I'm gonna keep looking for a used one that's exactly what I want. I figure the odds of finding it over the next three months are pretty good.

Thanks again everyone.
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Reg. Oct 2003
Posted 2006-01-12 7:48 AM (#35369 - in reply to #35308)
Subject: RE: Help me buy my first gooseneck!!!


Posts: 1719
Location: PA
"patience is a virtue!"
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Reg. Oct 2003
Posted 2006-01-12 1:34 PM (#35390 - in reply to #35250)
Subject: RE: Help me buy my first gooseneck!!!


Posts: 1989
Location: South Central OK

Debt can be bad, and if you view it as bad then it is for you.  I personally can't see making payments on "fun" items.  Only houses...

Steel trailers aren't that much heavier than Al in the same size.  It all comes down to your personal preference.

I've yet to see a really old Al trailer that was worth more than scrap metal.  Steel you can rework and repaint and add stuff to with a good welder and a paint shop!

If it's all the same to you, save the money, don't make payments and then you'll have money to send the girls to college!

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Reg. Dec 2005
Posted 2006-01-13 1:18 PM (#35441 - in reply to #35250)
Subject: RE: Help me buy my first gooseneck!!!

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 362
Location: Allegan, Michigan

I agree on the debt situation.  I was going to finance a trailer, but after researching and learning the 10% interest rate and how expensive it would be to finance (minimally $4500 in interest) I decided to save up for the next few months myself and then buy a nice used trailer.  Just like cars, as soon as you pull off the lot it depreciates several thousand!!!  So a  good used trailer paid for in cash is a better solution.  I would rather save the interest money and buy a new saddle!!! lol..

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Reg. Jan 2006
Posted 2006-01-14 9:29 AM (#35459 - in reply to #35250)
Subject: RE: Help me buy my first gooseneck!!!

New User

Posts: 1

Location: Wisconsin

"The rich rule over the poor, And the borrower is servent to the lender." Prov. 22:7

"Possesions are nice, as long as they don't posses you."

Edited by Luke 2006-01-14 9:41 AM
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