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WDH - Installation Cost

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Last activity 2005-09-14 9:57 AM
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Reg. Sep 2005
Posted 2005-09-14 9:29 AM (#30359)
Subject: WDH - Installation Cost

Location: Florida

I would like to add a Weight Distribution Hitch to my current setup (1500 Suburban and 3H 4Star). I was a little surprised at the cost. I have been quoted prices of $600 installed for the Valley brand and $800 installed for the Equalizer brand.

Are these costs high or is this the going rate? Are they hard to install by a do-it-yourselfer?


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Reg. Oct 2003
Posted 2005-09-14 9:55 AM (#30360 - in reply to #30359)
Subject: RE: WDH - Installation Cost

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 534
Location: Zionsville, Indiana

Brand is probably unimportant from your point of view, but keep in mind that you might someday need parts for this setup, and the most common brands are Drawtite and Reese, thus the most readily available parts.

$600 is about right for the kit, the drawbar that the head bolts to, and installation of the clips on the tongue of your trailer.  The cost of the drawbar can vary with its length and rise or drop.  The clips will bolt on easily if you have an open tongue, but if your tongue is covered, you will have to cut some access slots in the covering.  You cannot weld steel to aluminum, of course.  Assembling the kit itself is simple, just takes some wrenches and a bit of time.

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Reg. Oct 2003
Posted 2005-09-14 9:57 AM (#30361 - in reply to #30359)
Subject: RE: WDH - Installation Cost


Posts: 2689
Originally written by Jade on 2005-09-14 9:29 AM

I would like to add a Weight Distribution Hitch to my current setup (1500 Suburban and 3H 4Star). I was a little surprised at the cost. I have been quoted prices of $600 installed for the Valley brand and $800 installed for the Equalizer brand.

Are these costs high or is this the going rate? Are they hard to install by a do-it-yourselfer?


Hi and Welcome to this forum.

The parts are (I should say, "were", because there is a steel prices scam on) under $500 for the Top_o'_the_line Reese with hi_perf_dual_cam_anti_sway.
I wouldn't expect more than an hour of labor for "installation". It is basically just bolting stuff up (follow the directions). If your trailer has a plate over the A-frame part of the tongue they might be able to justify a bit more for cutting slots in that.
Not hard for a graduate DIY'er, undergrads might have problems.
There SHOULD BE no drilling, cutting or welding. If any of these are on the quote/estimate RUN to a different shop.
If your trailer has an unusually short tongue there could be problems with some anti sway designs, but that shouldn't add to installation costs, you would just have to choose a different design.

I'd price the parts and labor separately, ask them to itemise their quote, don't accept "China" as an excuse for the cost of steel or anything else.
If the labor content is high quiz them on whether it is difficult and perhaps inappropriate to "make it fit" your trailer (don't accept "make your trailer fit it") - or are they just slow ?

Have them clarify whether they will be setting up your truck's half of the rig; draw-bar, head height, spring bar angle, etc. You should expect a show and tell on how to hook up, so don't accept "We'll leave it out and you can pick it up after we close, want to pay us now ?".

Edited by Reg 2005-09-14 10:03 AM
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