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LQ battery issues

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Last activity 2012-06-01 8:54 AM
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Reg. Jul 2006
Posted 2012-05-28 9:16 PM (#144265)
Subject: LQ battery issues


Posts: 12

Location: Vail AZ
Help. I'm doing something wrong with the batteries on my LQ. I have "boiled" the water out twice now. I thought when I had my trailer plugged in at the barn, but the battery indicator turned to off, the batteries would discharge normally and I could recharge them before I left for a trip. Is that wrong? The batteries don't seem to hold a charge anymore. FYI, had one replaced several months ago, the other was holding a charge at the time.
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Reg. Aug 2007
Posted 2012-05-28 10:27 PM (#144267 - in reply to #144265)
Subject: RE: LQ battery issues


Posts: 5870
Location: western PA

Depending upon the age of your trailer, the converter/charger may not include a maintenance circuit. This can result in the over charging of the batteries, when the shore cord power is left on for any amount of time.

A battery indicator usually relates the amount of voltage the battery has available. A battery "master" switch, usually will isolate the battery from the circuit.

If the batteries have indeed been boiled, they are probably damaged and will no longer hold a charge with their resulting warped plates. Hopefully your battery's replacement warranty will allow the newer purchase to be covered.

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Reg. Dec 2004
Posted 2012-05-29 8:25 AM (#144276 - in reply to #144267)
Subject: RE: LQ battery issues

Elite Veteran

Posts: 720
However- this isn't a "defect" on the part of the battery, so in all fairness to the manufacturer it is not proper to ask for warranty coverage. It is considered typical operation to ensure that the batteries have the proper level of electrolyte in them at all times.
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Reg. Jul 2006
Posted 2012-05-29 8:35 AM (#144277 - in reply to #144267)
Subject: RE: LQ battery issues


Posts: 12

Location: Vail AZ

Thanks for the answer Gard. I was assuming the on/off switch by the battery compartment would isolate the batteries when I had it plugged in to landline power---maybe not.

Since I am going to use the trailer for 11 days, without landline power and only the genrator, I will replace batteries and be a "good girl" about unplugging from the landline when not in use. (Of course I use the fridge for the barn fridge, so there goes my propane use......)

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Reg. Apr 2007
Posted 2012-05-29 5:58 PM (#144302 - in reply to #144265)
Subject: RE: LQ battery issues

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 406
Location: Minneapolis, MN
You should, at some point in the future, upgrade your converter to a "smart" model. These units offer the ability to stay connected to "shore power" indefinitely without harming your battery.
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Reg. Jul 2006
Posted 2012-05-29 11:07 PM (#144320 - in reply to #144265)
Subject: RE: LQ battery issues


Posts: 12

Location: Vail AZ

My trailer is a 2005 4 star with an Iron Horse LQ....how do I know what I have.

i ABSOLUTLY HATE being a single woman who does not have the experience or knowledge to resolve this issue. I am proud that I can haul 3 horses, tack, etc 1,000 miles to the world show and can handle horses, and hauling but not the mechanics.

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Reg. Apr 2007
Posted 2012-05-30 5:15 PM (#144339 - in reply to #144320)
Subject: RE: LQ battery issues

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 406
Location: Minneapolis, MN
Originally written by goodwhit on 2012-05-29 11:07 PM

My trailer is a 2005 4 star with an Iron Horse LQ....how do I know what I have.

i ABSOLUTLY HATE being a single woman who does not have the experience or knowledge to resolve this issue. I am proud that I can haul 3 horses, tack, etc 1,000 miles to the world show and can handle horses, and hauling but not the mechanics.

Look at the converter, where the LQ fuses and circuit breakers are. My guess it's a Parallax or Elixir. The advanced units are Progressive Dynamics with Charge Wizard, Iota or Xantrex.
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Reg. Jul 2006
Posted 2012-05-30 8:54 PM (#144346 - in reply to #144265)
Subject: RE: LQ battery issues


Posts: 12

Location: Vail AZ
thank you
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Reg. Jul 2006
Posted 2012-05-31 11:04 PM (#144397 - in reply to #144265)
Subject: RE: LQ battery issues


Posts: 12

Location: Vail AZ

Update for all.

Batteries may or may not have held a charge. The hydraulic jack raised the trailer, but the rocker switch on the equalizer ONLY raised the trailer and would not lower it on the ball. Equalizer tech support said that was either a ground or insufficent battery charge. My WONDERFUL trailer guy came to the house and replaced the batteries--the jack works....but no battery power to the LQ. Upon testing the on/off battery switch sparked and failed......so maybe I really did try to turn off the current to the batteries, but the switch didn't do what it was supposed to. So trailer is hitched, going to the shop tommorow, but really dreading the final bill. Need to have battery to the LQ....

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Reg. Oct 2003
Posted 2012-06-01 8:54 AM (#144408 - in reply to #144265)
Subject: RE: LQ battery issues


Posts: 233
Location: Tennessee
Look for a reset button so the battery will power the LQ again.
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