Posted 2011-10-11 10:50 PM (#138243) Subject: FORD ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE
Posts: 5870 Location: western PA
We recently had an interesting event with a visitor. Driving his new diesel SD Ford truck, from Tulsa to western PA, took 20 hours of driving straight through. Still tired from the trip, he went to our local BP station to refuel. Using the green hande he filled his tank and drove off. Aprox four miles later, the truck started making unusual noises, lost power and finally quit.
Calling the Ford assistance number, he told the operator he needed a tow truck to take his Ford to the nearest dealer. After waiting 1 1/2 hours, a gentleman showed up carrying a purse sized start battery, and some basic tools that didn't fill a tote tray. The truck would not restart, and a second call for help was answered that a tow truck would take 3 hours to arrive.
We became involved, and then arranged for a local service that effected the 11 mile tow in short order. The next morning it was discovered that all but four gallons of fuel in his tank was 87 octane gasoline. $1200 later that day, his truck was again running properly, apparently suffering no lasting damage.
When the owner went to the gas station to complain about the fuel contamination, he again scanned the pumps for clues about what was wrong. The green hose/handle was found affixed to a gas pump and the diesel pump used a black hose. In his previous tired stupor, he didn't notice the significance.
Two things he learned. In his state, apparently all the diesel pumps are colour coded. Some other states evidently don't use the same criteria. Expecting Ford Roadside Assistance to help, can be a frustrating and useless experience.
Lessons learned: check at least twice to see what pump you are using, and purchase additional roadside insurance for your trips. Be aware that some of the diesel pumps still use the small nozzles, that are the same diameter as the gas nozzels. BTW, the driver is not a diesel novice, and has owned several for many years.
Posted 2011-10-12 5:50 AM (#138245 - in reply to #138243) Subject: RE: FORD ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE
Extreme Veteran
Posts: 379 Location: Missouri
Same thing here in MO, not all stations have the diesel pump in green. If it's a station I don't frequent, I stick my finger in the pump nozzle and take whiff just to be sure.
Posted 2011-10-12 10:56 AM (#138253 - in reply to #138243) Subject: RE: FORD ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE
Elite Veteran
Posts: 714 Location: Minnesota
Last month, I got a phone call while pulling up to the pump and in my distraction, grabbed the nozzle and put in 34 gallons of #1 diesel @ $4.10 instead of #2 @ $3.79. Not near as bad as your friend, but added to the additional cost, also decreased fuel economy plus embaressment.
Posted 2011-10-13 11:07 AM (#138291 - in reply to #138243) Subject: RE: FORD ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE
Extreme Veteran
Posts: 368 Location: Georgia
In particular, BP/Amoco stations handles are is regular gas and black is diesel. Most other stations are green is diesel and black is gas. At least that is the case at 99% of the stations I have visited.
Posted 2011-10-13 3:50 PM (#138298 - in reply to #138243) Subject: RE: FORD ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE
Posts: 2453 Location: Northern Utah
Luckily there are no BP stations in Utah, So I rarely have to worry about this except when I'm on the road.
Green is BP corporate colors. So they use it on all their handles as part of their color skeem. So regardless of what state you are in, pumps at BP station should be carefully reviewed.
Ford contracts with independant providers to provide roadside services across the country. Just like AAA or any other major truck manufacture does. You can have a good or bad experience depending on the provider that was contracted for thelocation you are at. Do Ford a favor and report that the provider was not prepared or capable of fufilling the service. Reporting back is the only way Ford will know to terminate a contract. We had a similar experience with AAA sending out a tow truck driver for a dead battery on a GMC Duramax . Instead of just jumping the batteries and getting us on our way, He wanted to load and haul the truck into the GM dealership.