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Sundowner Horizon l.q. trailers

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Reg. Jan 2011
Posted 2011-02-19 6:14 PM (#130513)
Subject: Sundowner Horizon l.q. trailers


Posts: 45
Location: Mead, WA
I'm considering purchasing a new 8' wide 3 horse Sundowner Horizon Series l.q. trailer. It is lighter and less expensive than the Sundowner's Signature Series (which is way outside my budget). Obviously not in the same class as Elite and Four Star for example, but I'm guessing the Horizon trailer is a step up from other all aluminum trailers such as Exiss and Featherlite. I haven't had a chance to look at Exiss and Featherlite l.q. trailers first hand, so I'm hoping others in the know can comment on the differences in terms of quality, durability and resale value. d2allen
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Reg. Aug 2007
Posted 2011-02-19 8:22 PM (#130515 - in reply to #130513)
Subject: RE: Sundowner Horizon l.q. trailers


Posts: 5870
Location: western PA

Originally written by d2allen on 2011-02-19 7:14 PM

 I'm guessing the Horizon trailer is a step up from other all aluminum trailers such as Exiss and Featherlite. I haven't had a chance to look at Exiss and Featherlite l.q. trailers first hand, so I'm hoping others in the know can comment on the differences in terms of quality, durability and resale value. d2allen

If you were able to look at the three trailers you mentioned, and had someone knowledgeable with you to explain their construction differences, you would change the wording in your statements.

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Reg. Jan 2011
Posted 2011-02-20 11:56 AM (#130524 - in reply to #130515)
Subject: RE: Sundowner Horizon l.q. trailers


Posts: 45
Location: Mead, WA

If you were able to look at the three trailers you mentioned, and had someone knowledgeable with you to explain their construction differences, you would change the wording in your statements.

Ok Gard, LOL, thank you for your cryptic reply as it gave me pause to think. I see you are an Exiss owner. Exiss and Featherlite are built by the same company. The comparable Featherlites and Exiss trailers I have considered are about the same price as the Horizon, but they tend to weigh more. I currently own a 2 horse b.p. Featherlite and there are a few things about it that I don't care for (like how the dividers work). I would be willing to consider Featherlite/Exiss if I was convinced they were better made. Would you mind elaborating on construction details? d2allen
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Reg. Sep 2008
Posted 2011-02-21 11:39 AM (#130553 - in reply to #130513)
Subject: RE: Sundowner Horizon l.q. trailers


Posts: 229
d2allen, trust Gard.  He is ex aircraft industry and has a very good command of knowledge.  Don't be put aside that he is an Exiss owner. I believe that he owns an Event model and would clearly tell you the difference between an Event and a Sport. We have many Exiss Events and Featherlites in our neck of the woods, with very satisfied owners. Featherlite was made by Featherlite up until 2005.  Weight is important.  A Featherlite and Event compared to a Sport will weigh more for the same trailer.  More aluminum, more strength.  It's not so much that the trailer won't be servicible for you as it is the eventual resale value of the trailer.  The better the quality of construction, the more the value will hold.  There are many stories on HTW of people buying high quality used trailers, using them several years and selling for almost the same as what they bought them for.
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Reg. Jan 2011
Posted 2011-02-21 1:58 PM (#130557 - in reply to #130553)
Subject: RE: Sundowner Horizon l.q. trailers


Posts: 45
Location: Mead, WA
Veteran, Thank you very much for your reply. I would like to trust Gard, but prefer to know the facts in order to make a truly informed decision. Did a little of my own research and found out the difference between Exiss Event and Exiss Sport is in the width of the floor joists and thickness of aluminum. Not sure how these compare to Featherlite. Why is it so hard to find the information in order to compare structure? What else besides width of floor joists, al thickness and quality of welds should I be paying attention to?d2allen
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Reg. Aug 2007
Posted 2011-02-21 3:35 PM (#130564 - in reply to #130513)
Subject: RE: Sundowner Horizon l.q. trailers


Posts: 5870
Location: western PA

First off, I don't want to start a flame session about one brand of trailer being pitted against another. In addition to an Exiss, I also own a Sidekick. In the past I've owned several other brands. At the time of their purchase, each one was the "BEST" trailer for me. Given the right circumstances, there are probably another half dozen brands that I could be comfortable with owning.

SD owners vigorously defend their brand, as do most owners of other brands. As has been stated in many threads, the BEST trailer is the one that works best for you. "Sport" and "Event" trailers have been mentioned. A Sport is often considered a step down in durability. However, most of their owners relate an absence of any problems with their ownership. There are other brands and their models, that are built less strongly than the Sports, and yet we don't hear of any of their difficulties. Not every horse owner hauls 75K miles a year doing rodeo work, or drags his rig almost exclusively along BLM paths.

Most manufacturers build trailers with different structural differences. Even though all can be built of the same basic materials, the sizes, shapes and construction details will vary. If two trailers are of the same size and built of the same materials; yet one is heavier than the other, the only reasonable explaination for the weight discrepancy, is the amount of materials used in their constructions. A manufacturer can save money by scrimping on materials and reducing labour costs by simplifying construction details. This is accomplished by using thinner materials, spaced at wider placements. One variant you can't observe visually, is the amount of heat treatment to which the aluminum has been subjected. This is noted as a "T-x" factor. The higher the number the stronger the material and the higher the costs.

There are differences between a SD and an Exiss, just as there are differences between Featherlite and Exiss and most other brands. If you do a quick walk around a SD trailer, you will notice a few things. If you start at the rear you will immediately notice the rear doors. Most builders have three, many have four hinges on each door. SD has two with none installed at the butt level. If you have a feeling that more are necessary, a total of three can be installed as a $167 option. When you walk along the side and inspect the manger doors, you will find a light weight flexible panel. It is built using two pieces of skin material. One is bent up and formed in a sheet metal brake and then glued to the other panel. This is the whole door, with no core material being used. The edges are roughly sanded and coated with a small piece of press on plastic trim to cover the sharp edges. There is no frame used in this door's construction. The siding opening into where the door fits, is built in a similar fashion. Again there is no frame work, and again the rough edges are covered with a plastic molding. The hinges are very light duty and by grasping the trailing edge of the door, the whole assembly can easily flexed by hand.

Just a question. What connection does Sun Downer have with Shadow? Their manger door constructions, trim and hardware are an exact replication of the SD including the sizes.

While you're near the mangers, look down at the wheels and tires. SD, on their 3H trailers up to ~26' use 15" wheels and tires. Many other brands including Exiss use 16".

There are many differences throughout the framework of SD products that vary from other manufacturers. This is true of most other builders as well. I am not going to compare LQ interiors. There are many conversion companies that provide excellent products. My main concern is the structural box assembly, that will carry your most valued pets safetly.

When you shop for a trailer, the more you know about it, will enable you to make a more informed decision about its suitability. Upon first examination, if the bling is the same, most trailers will look the same. When the details are examined, they're not.

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Reg. Jan 2011
Posted 2011-02-22 9:34 AM (#130592 - in reply to #130564)
Subject: RE: Sundowner Horizon l.q. trailers


Posts: 45
Location: Mead, WA
Gart,Thanks! That's the kind of information I was looking for. A new l.q. is a major purchase and an investment regardless of how hard or often I use it. Structure is #1 and I want to get the best trailer for my money. I'm off to look at another brand of trailer today and taking a tape measure and small tarp to lay on so I can crawl under under it and inspect the joists (among other things).d2allen
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Reg. Jul 2009
Posted 2011-02-22 4:46 PM (#130605 - in reply to #130592)
Subject: RE: Sundowner Horizon l.q. trailers


Posts: 29
Location: Aiken, SC
Just FYI. The reason Sundowner only has two hinges per door is because strap hinges are a weaker design than the one Sundowner uses. So you need 4 or 5 strap hinges to do the same job of just two Sundowner hinges. Actually two of the Sundowner hinges work better than the 4 or 5 strap hinges with the force of a kicking horse. The Sundowner's doors have aluminum frame work in them, not just two pieces of aluminum skin.

As Guard stated there is not one trailer that will work for everyone that is why there are over 100 manufactures out there. As I trailer shopped I looked at many trailer designs and to this day I look at the different designs. I found Sundowner to have the answers to most of the problems that I had. When a horse kicked a trailer with rear doors with strap hinges it knocked the door out of align I had to take a hammer and straighten out the hinges. I have yet to have that problem on any Sundowner I own. I had a piano style hinge break off a feed door on a trailer. The stainless hinges on Sundowner took care of that. I liked the fact that Sundowner uses 4 sided thick wall tubing in the walls of the trailer I am not a fan of open c channel. Sundowner uses thicker flooring than most manufacturers, Sundowner’s flooring is almost 3/16" compared to just 1/8" of most manufacturers. They use a much thicker side extrusion, almost twice as thick as other manufactures. I like being able to access the wiring at the rear of a Sundowner. Few trailers have access to the wiring at the rear post. Some manufactures use wood between the aluminum skin on feed doors, manger doors, and entry doors others use Styrofoam. Those manufacturers also sandwich steel beams between aluminum to make it look like an aluminum frame. There 100's of ways to build something it comes down to your experiences and your preferences and what works for you. I have spent many hours on, in and under, working on many brands of trailers, Sundowner's design and engineering was and is the best for me and my investment in a horse trailer.

Sundowner of Aiken
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Reg. Aug 2007
Posted 2011-02-22 9:00 PM (#130615 - in reply to #130513)
Subject: RE: Sundowner Horizon l.q. trailers


Posts: 5870
Location: western PA


"Just a question. What connection does Sun Downer have with Shadow? Their manger door constructions, trim and hardware are an exact replication of the SD including the sizes."

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Reg. Jul 2009
Posted 2011-02-23 8:12 AM (#130622 - in reply to #130615)
Subject: RE: Sundowner Horizon l.q. trailers


Posts: 29
Location: Aiken, SC
Hey Guard, I'm not aware of a "connection." Shadow like SilverStar and Silver Lite share many of the same "looking" features as Sundowner just like 4-Star Eilite Bloomer Cimmaron C&C share simlar "looking" features Like Featherlite Sooner Exiss and Kiefer Built, badexample since Featherlite Exiss and Sooner are owned by the same company but you understand. You have to be very careful just becuse it looks similar, I can tell you there are differneces in design, engineering, construction methods and quality of materials when you pull the different trailers apart.

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Reg. Dec 2004
Posted 2011-02-23 8:53 AM (#130625 - in reply to #130513)
Subject: RE: Sundowner Horizon l.q. trailers

Elite Veteran

Posts: 720
Let me try and explain this without being too muddy- Back in the mid/late 90's, Silver Star began production in NC. Their trailer was a virtual duplicate of a 92-93 (or so) Sundowner. It sold well and its owners were happy. In later years, general updates were applied as things went along. By this time, there were lots of similarities, but the two were no longer twins. Somewhere on the mid 00's, folks familiar with Silver Star pulled out and began the Shadow line of products. And as often happens, there were a lot of similarities from the Silver Star to the Shadow. So thus- the "connection" from Sundowner to Shadow.

Just my recollection.

Notes- Star Lite was a model of Silver Star.
Silverlite was a mfg.based out of Oregon. No connection at all nor any similarties to any of the above trailers.
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Reg. Sep 2008
Posted 2011-02-23 11:13 AM (#130638 - in reply to #130513)
Subject: RE: Sundowner Horizon l.q. trailers


Posts: 229
d2allen, the above post just jogged my mind. In your search, don't forget Platinum, Silverlite and Siverado as candidates. The last two, being Oregon manufacturers, are not well known outside of the PNW, but both are very nice trailers with camper friendly interiors. I wouldn't hesitate to own either one, even though both are out of business. Also, I know that you are familiar with Don Johnson's. Their fab shop is outstanding and has done quite a bit of work for me. They also do many repairs, both warranty and non warranty. Chris, the guy who runs the fab shop, is a real straight shooter. I would expect that Chris would be a good source of information on trailer quality of construction. Also, there are some Platinums running around with the JR Interiors. Don Johnson had/has a place in Milton-Freewater, All American Trailers, that carries/carried Platinums. I also was wanted a higher end trailer with a nice interior and drove down to Milton-Freewater to look at the Platinums a couple of years ago prior to buying my Elite.
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Reg. Jul 2009
Posted 2011-02-23 11:21 AM (#130639 - in reply to #130513)
Subject: RE: Sundowner Horizon l.q. trailers


Posts: 29
Location: Aiken, SC
Actually SilverStar trailers were produced in Ridgeland SC about 2.5 hours from me. Their trailers were not an exact duplicate of a 90's Sundowner. They looked very similar but used a much thinner extrusion for the wall post floors rear post gussets and sides. Again they "look" like a Sundowner but were far from the same construcion and engineering.

Sundowner of Aiken
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Reg. Jan 2011
Posted 2011-02-23 11:39 AM (#130642 - in reply to #130605)
Subject: RE: Sundowner Horizon l.q. trailers


Posts: 45
Location: Mead, WA
Originally written by sundownerofaiken on 2011-02-22 2:46 PM

Just FYI. The reason Sundowner only has two hinges per door is because strap hinges are a weaker design than the one Sundowner uses. So you need 4 or 5 strap hinges to do the same job of just two Sundowner hinges. Actually two of the Sundowner hinges work better than the 4 or 5 strap hinges with the force of a kicking horse. The Sundowner's doors have aluminum frame work in them, not just two pieces of aluminum skin.As Guard stated there is not one trailer that will work for everyone that is why there are over 100 manufactures out there. As I trailer shopped I looked at many trailer designs and to this day I look at the different designs. I found Sundowner to have the answers to most of the problems that I had. When a horse kicked a trailer with rear doors with strap hinges it knocked the door out of align I had to take a hammer and straighten out the hinges. I have yet to have that problem on any Sundowner I own. I had a piano style hinge break off a feed door on a trailer. The stainless hinges on Sundowner took care of that. I liked the fact that Sundowner uses 4 sided thick wall tubing in the walls of the trailer I am not a fan of open c channel. Sundowner uses thicker flooring than most manufacturers, Sundowner’s flooring is almost 3/16" compared to just 1/8" of most manufacturers. They use a much thicker side extrusion, almost twice as thick as other manufactures. I like being able to access the wiring at the rear of a Sundowner. Few trailers have access to the wiring at the rear post. Some manufactures use wood between the aluminum skin on feed doors, manger doors, and entry doors others use Styrofoam. Those manufacturers also sandwich steel beams between aluminum to make it look like an aluminum frame. There 100's of ways to build something it comes down to your experiences and your preferences and what works for you. I have spent many hours on, in and under, working on many brands of trailers, Sundowner's design and engineering was and is the best for me and my investment in a horse trailer.RickSundowner of Aiken
Rick,Thanks a lot for supplying more info. on Sundowner, especially the part about the hinges. Here's a question for you,do you comments above regarding floor thickness and manger construction apply to the S.D. Horizon Series?d2allen
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Reg. Jul 2009
Posted 2011-02-23 2:05 PM (#130650 - in reply to #130513)
Subject: RE: Sundowner Horizon l.q. trailers


Posts: 29
Location: Aiken, SC
Yes the Horizon manger doors have aluminum framework, the floor piece I have is .140 at the thinest point.
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Reg. Jul 2009
Posted 2011-02-23 2:25 PM (#130652 - in reply to #130650)
Subject: RE: Sundowner Horizon l.q. trailers


Posts: 29
Location: Aiken, SC
The floor typically found on 720, 725, 575 goes from left to right not length ways and measures .170 at the thinnest point.
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Reg. Jan 2011
Posted 2011-02-23 3:27 PM (#130657 - in reply to #130650)
Subject: RE: Sundowner Horizon l.q. trailers


Posts: 45
Location: Mead, WA
Originally written by sundownerofaiken on 2011-02-23 12:05 PM

Yes the Horizon manger doors have aluminum framework, the floor piece I have is .140 at the thinest point.
SundownerofAikenThe S.D. Horizon model has thinner aluminum in the floor. Earlier you told me 3/16". What is .140? Is that metric? Are you sure about the manger doors? There's an earlier post from Gard that says no aluminum framework. I am really confused now. d2allenp.s. To refresh your memory, here's what Gard wrote about the manger doors."When you walk along the side and inspect the manger doors, you will find a light weight flexible panel. It is built using two pieces of skin material. One is bent up and formed in a sheet metal brake and then glued to the other panel. This is the whole door, with no core material being used. The edges are roughly sanded and coated with a small piece of press on plastic trim to cover the sharp edges. There is no frame used in this door's construction. The siding opening into where the door fits, is built in a similar fashion. Again there is no frame work, and again the rough edges are covered with a plastic molding."
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Reg. Jul 2009
Posted 2011-02-23 4:41 PM (#130666 - in reply to #130513)
Subject: RE: Sundowner Horizon l.q. trailers


Posts: 29
Location: Aiken, SC

Correct The Horizon has a thinner floor than the 720, 725 modles.   I had not measured it until you asked earlier, that was my mistake. I knew the Horizons had different flooring but had not measured the new floor thickness.  And yes the aluminum framework is in the Horizon's manger doors. 

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Reg. Aug 2007
Posted 2011-02-23 5:10 PM (#130668 - in reply to #130513)
Subject: RE: Sundowner Horizon l.q. trailers


Posts: 5870
Location: western PA
Perhaps Rick would be willing to take photos of the edge of the manger doors and side opening of the trailer body. Then we could see the framework he is mentioning.
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Reg. Jul 2009
Posted 2011-02-24 12:57 PM (#130723 - in reply to #130513)
Subject: RE: Sundowner Horizon l.q. trailers


Posts: 29
Location: Aiken, SC


Hi Gard,

Not a problem. Since I have not received my X-Ray camera from CrakerJack I will show you a manger door in the assembly process. What you are looking at is the framework, Styrofoam insulation on the inside door pan. The exterior skin will be adhered over this assembly and then the latch will be installed and weather-strip trim along the entire outside edge. Simple yet extremely strong construction.

This is a completed manger door outside view:

This is a completed manger door interior view



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