Posted 2010-09-01 8:52 AM (#124279) Subject: power source
Posts: 16
We are strarting from scratch on our trailer.. Im looking for idea as what to mount for outside power source for my breaker box.. Anything other than the park power detachable power conversion kits.. thanks..
Posted 2010-09-01 9:16 AM (#124280 - in reply to #124279) Subject: RE: power source
Posts: 114
Location: Home of the WNFR at Christmas
Good Morning -
To help what do you mean by "outside power source" ? as in a way to plug in a Generator ? Shore Power ? Solar ? Please give us a bit more info and I am sure we can help
Posted 2010-09-01 9:29 AM (#124282 - in reply to #124279) Subject: RE: power source
Posts: 16
To be honest I wasnt really sure what it is called.. but yes, its the thing you mount on the side of your trailer to hook up to your breaker box to get outside power source .. I was wondering how all the DIY hooked up power to get to say generators and such.. Im sorry Im not very clear as to what im asking.. I was just trying to find differnt ideas..
Posted 2010-09-01 10:57 AM (#124284 - in reply to #124279) Subject: RE: power source
Posts: 114
Location: Home of the WNFR at Christmas
Thanks, well depending upon what and how you want to power the trailer. The easy way would be to mount an AC load center ( small circuit breaker box) to the wall under the gooseneck and run a 120 / 20 amp cord into that as if it were coming from a power pole, use a nice long heavy flexible cable like 10g, you may have to jump the bars inside the box to get both sides of the box to work with breakers.From there you could run a circuit for an inverter charger recommended, converter ( not recommended) 120v lighting, plugs, AC what ever you want to do. At the same time wire the trailer for your 12v electrical side. I wire all my trailers just like I would wire a home using Romex and boxes for both 12 & 120V use 12g ( yellow ) for 120v and 14g ( white) for 12v and the wiring is easy to identify when doing the build. I have attached a couple of wire diagrams for ideas for you
Posted 2010-09-01 11:17 AM (#124285 - in reply to #124279) Subject: RE: power source
Posts: 2957
Location: North Carolina
I believe this is what you're looking for... an electrical inlet.
I like the ones with covers to keep the road dirt and water out of it. I mounted mine under the gooseneck. That location keeps the rain out when connected with a cord.
Posted 2010-09-01 2:24 PM (#124291 - in reply to #124290) Subject: RE: power source
Posts: 2957
Location: North Carolina
Originally written by fastcowgirl on 2010-09-01 11:03 AM
yes that is what im looking for hosspuller.. thanks for the link..
you're welcome ... Since you know what they are called ... These can also be purchased at your local electrical supply house. Maybe even the local big box store.
Posted 2010-09-01 5:27 PM (#124295 - in reply to #124279) Subject: RE: power source
Posts: 2957
Location: North Carolina
Inlets are a standard electrical part. Depending on the local business demand, the supply house may / may not have it in stock. But they can surely get it. A marine or boat inlet would be really cool. Stainless steel or such but very pricey.
I would recommend getting an inlet with a spring loaded cover. Then there's little chance of leaving it open to the weather.