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Foundered Jenny

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Last activity 2010-01-08 12:02 AM
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Reg. Mar 2008
Posted 2010-01-05 8:01 PM (#114928)
Subject: Foundered Jenny

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 522
Location: Tucumcari NM

I recently aquired a jenny for a companion for my gelding. She has been seriously foundered in the past. In years past bute was the painkiller of choice for this, but since it has been 20 plus years since I have dealt with founder I am wondering if there are more effective treatments. I have had her feet trimmed so that she stands a little more upright than I would normally have done. She has a lot of prominent growth rings on her hooves. Anyone have any experience with this? I don't care if she ever works again, but I would like her to be free of pain.


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Reg. Aug 2006
Posted 2010-01-05 9:49 PM (#114932 - in reply to #114928)
Subject: RE: Foundered Jenny

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 544
Location: Claxton, Ga.
Have her evaluated by a nutrientalist to make sure she is not taking in too much starch. Talked to a guy at the feed store the other day. Been battling founder with his gelding for over 5 years, about ready to give up. He switched him to a low starch feed and 6 months later he is riding him like nobodies business.
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Reg. Jan 2010
Posted 2010-01-08 12:02 AM (#115019 - in reply to #114928)
Subject: RE: Foundered Jenny


Posts: 6

Location: Milford Michigan

Handling founder is a balancing act between a good/low starch diet ( I really like Easy Minerals by Patriot), a good routine trimming from a knowledgable farrier (I kept my gelding barefoot, remember a lot of the times a foundered foot will grow faster and require trimming every 4 - 6 weeks at least!), and a veterinarian that will cooperate and help you, not just tell you that the horse will never be sound and to give up. 

My gelding foundered when he was only 4 years old, I had him until he was almost 10.  Yesterday was the 4 year anniversary of me putting him down.  Founder is very tricky, sometimes you can't win.  He did best when he was out 24/7, on soft ground, and being excersized regularly.  I also like MVP's Senior flex supplement.  It has yucca and devils claw in it to help manage pain as well as Biotin for hoof growth. 

Hope this helped! 

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