Posted 2009-02-09 9:41 PM (#99124) Subject: Looking for Trail-et input
New User
Posts: 3
Location: ontario
I've been reading on the manufacturing history of Trail-et, Hawk and Equispirit. I've seen Hawk trailers 'in person', and really like them. I like the idea of the steel frame and aluminum skin, and the features included in the trailer.
I am also interested in Trail-et, as it seems almost identical (in pics and other points)to Hawk...on paper! The nearest Trail-et dealer is 4 hr away from me, so I was hoping to get some input on the brand to see if it's worth some major travel time on my part.
I've read on many other boards about how people love their Trail-ets, but most of the ones being referred to are older models. Does anyone here know whether the current ones are of the same quality as the older ones? How would you compare the quality between Trail-et and Hawk? Since Trail-et is significantly cheaper than Hawk, can you enlighten me on the 'why's' of this? Is there anything I should look out for?
Posted 2009-02-09 9:54 PM (#99125 - in reply to #99124) Subject: RE: Looking for Trail-et input
Posts: 5870 Location: western PA
Do a search on Trailet and you will find may threads.
You can only compare the two from twenty feet away. Once you inspect the construction, the hardware, windows, drop downs, doors, frame, axles, tires, wheels etc etc, the similarities end with them both being horse trailers.
Posted 2009-02-10 6:04 AM (#99144 - in reply to #99124) Subject: RE: Looking for Trail-et input
Posts: 51 Location: Jeddo, MI
I own a 1999 Trail-et New Yorker model. I am very pleased with it. I have seen the 08 model and it is pretty much the same. It hauls wonderful. No sway. There is a lot of ventilation and the it is insulated. I converted my dressing room into a small sleeping area for camping with my horse. We added buddy bearing so we could grease the bearings easier. It is a quality made trailer. Debbie
Posted 2009-02-10 7:00 PM (#99201 - in reply to #99124) Subject: RE: Looking for Trail-et input
New User
Posts: 3
Location: ontario
Thanks for the input so far. Gard, since you've seen both trailers in person, do you have any specific findings to point out? You can PM me at cjmorry 'at' eagle 'dot' ca if you'd rather... Thanks too to the second poster whose had a good experience with her trailer. That seems to be what I'm hearing overall. I did do a search on the brand here, but it didn't turn up much.
If anyone else has input, please fire away! Thanks again, all.