Posted 2012-09-19 7:35 PM (#147091) Subject: what to use for a dust cap over the wheel bearing??
Posts: 56
somehow i lost a wheel cover along with the dust cap over the greesey part of the middle of the wheel. iam in a jam, no place around here has the correct one [dust cap] i have to be on the road sunday am, what could i use to put over it so nothing gets inside the greese/bearing?
Posted 2012-09-19 9:43 PM (#147094 - in reply to #147091) Subject: RE: what to use for a dust cap over the wheel bearing??
Posts: 56
Thanks guys, will try the coke can in a pinch. The autoparts stores here don't have the correct one. To order one now that it is thursday won't work. Iam really in a jam, have to close on a house 1700 miles away taking the rest of my property in the horse trailer, need to be out of her ASAP. Any more ideas??
Posted 2012-09-20 8:00 AM (#147102 - in reply to #147091) Subject: RE: what to use for a dust cap over the wheel bearing??
Elite Veteran
Posts: 804 Location: Tenn/Ala.
I'm not trolling for business, only suggesting to possibly help. But we UPS parts out everyday. If you are on a route that they serve, we likely have the cap on hand, and can overnite it. Yes, a $5. cap will have a $40 freight bill, but if that can be any help to you, give us a call @ 931-685-4040 for Cody or Roger. If you know the axle brand & size, along with a measurement of the cap diameter (measure one that is remaining), odds are good of nailing the correct one. RTSmith
Posted 2012-09-20 10:30 AM (#147105 - in reply to #147091) Subject: RE: what to use for a dust cap over the wheel bearing??
Extreme Veteran
Posts: 385 Location: high desert, CA.
I think I would do the clean off the outside of the spinle case, and then use grey duct tape. You will have to wrap the spindle housing both around the tape and do the tape across the opening so it doesn't fly off. Cheeeep too!
Posted 2012-09-21 11:48 AM (#147123 - in reply to #147091) Subject: RE: what to use for a dust cap over the wheel bearing??
Location: Where the wind comes sweepin' down the plain...
I have used a coke can and duct tape on separate occasions. Lost the coke can. Maybe if I had used the duct tape on the coke can. The duct tape only worked like a charm. Also seen a Campbell soup can used. Not sure how well it stayed, but saw it at a team roping that way, so it must have stayed on somehow.