Home of the Horse Trailer Blue Book
Check out this link right here on HTW: http://www.horsetrailerworld.com/forum/thread-view.asp?threadid=10113&posts=6
I asked about the Hobart air mixer. Guess they have never worked in the food service industry. Guess I should ask about the skis too.
You guys are good :-) I'll be following that thread for the entertainment value alone!
Keep it up!
This thread is more fun than messing with a scammer emailing. I just almost fell out of my chair laughing.
I sure do miss the Blue Moon trailers; they were the best!
I read thread earlier when someone told them they were supposed to pay for an add. The manner of speach gave them away.
Ya'll are badddd. But funny.
Rose or Ponytammy: tag, you're it.......